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AN incident marking the advance of the elder members of the Royal nur- sery falls this week to be recorded. The Prince of Wales and his sister the Princess Royal paid their first visit to a place of public amusement on Tuesday afternoon: the equestrian glories of Astley's Amphitheatre were the choice. The visit was private; the spectators being the Queen, Prince Albert, the two children, and a numerous suite. The centre box of the first circle was appropriated to the Royal party, and the fittings up were in keeping with the dignity of the occupants: Foot Guards lined the passages, sentries were placed at the stage-door, and detachments in the stable-yard and at the principal entrance in the Westminster Road. At the close, the exertions of Mr. Batty and Mr. Thompson his stage-manager, to contribute to the amusement of their patrons, were favourably noticed by the Queen and Prince Albert.
The arrival of the Queen Dowager from Wjtley Court, on Saturday, has led to a round of visits. The Dutchess of Kent visited the Queen on the day of her arrival, and joined her at chapel on Sunday. On Monday the Queen and Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Gloucester and the Dutchess of Cambridge, waited on their Royal relative; and on Tuesday the Duke of Cambridge paid his respects. Return visits have been made; and on Wed- nesday the Queen Dowager, accompanied by the Hereditary Prince of Saxe Meiningen, took luncheon with the Queen and Prince Albert at Buckingham Palace.
The Dutchess of Kent visited the Dutchess of Gloucester on Thursday. Sir Robert Peel had an audience of the Queen on Wednesday.
Viscount Melbourne dined at the Royal table on Monday.