28 MARCH 1857, Page 1


TirE _General Election is already Well °Avenged: Sir De Lacy EN'lit4 was the first •Member' of the new Parliament, who duly received his title at the liands7of Westminster.. _ Before this paper -alan 'reach_ our read oh; . Lord Palmerston '_s -House of Commons will have risen fariatoveiits foundations:; . Numbers-of the borough constitabliwiaiivill have returned their, proportion of the represeatatien, and the character of the new Parliament will be to that extent deterMineff. Such of its Members as are known belonged to-theidd .-Pliament, • for' the considerable men who are retqrMad ale those alas.eady fainiliar to us; the nevi-Members are for the Moat :part nearly unknown. , Theisine presented to the country_ beihg of the simplest chit-. racter—Palmerston Or Derby,T;,-40.ildidates and constituents have been. free to indulge in oar variety on secondary issues ; and .hence, r-;Vith: tr...nlarlinble sameness in the.general tendency of the ividetit,' there is -fOnite Variety in its sec-on:dell; tendene1elf.;a0tai..it is impossible to group an number. Of -incident* iti....eltstinguishing the present cettfest.

deed, there is searcely-anyeenteet. et all upon broad public subjects; but lie denary,' jitIttve Is on the *hole giving the weightorfts .favour to'. Palmerston as the Minister de facto of the Litiral party; while, the. declining rigour of the*Conserva tivei;fin..the last session especially, had: the natural cense-, quenoes of diminishing --their followers at the present election. Inbtlir respecti Constituencies pretty well indulge-their own fancies.-

In the -Metropolis, the principal feature is the contest for the

City, Which-le quite special and perafffr.>:f• -Lord John Russell's appeal -Ind' had so much success thitclilfe•-•54oilitelarty have been thrown upon the defensive. Ett'Ps haVglited'inade to counteinet the veteran head of tho,lirtilbrperty in eery way,from a _more studied retort to his-abating 'apologne Of " John ' the old servant, to the most active' caialtnt, g. • Strong efforts were made to make Baron Lionel de Rotdhilel.coitscions that it would not -do for the Jews to desert: thtlfr"chainpion ; the Noneonformiite could not forget their obligations to:Lord Mini and whatever the poll may say this afternotin,-his prespeetchave un-

dergone a constant advance-throughout the week, • •

The other-Metropolitan constituencies have been agitated by local storms, with nothing very salient to arrest attention.;‘.

DePrivertof Mr. Osborne, unfavoured by Lord Blandford who feels safer at home, Middlesex has been obliged, like tame other important constituencies, to look around for a second candidate,. and has supplied itself_ with one in the person of kr:Robert Banbury the brewer. The very fact that Middlesex has been in want of a candidate is an evidence of the general lassittide of politicians, where they are not spurred on by the protessietia managers of these great popular movements. . .

Manchester has been plunged into a fierce contest ; and it has become clear that the assault ofthe Treasury-bench on the, stronghold of " Manchester " principles has not been

(muse why the seats of the okl. Members were called in q It was not alone the vote in the China debate. We must remember that throughout the war-time, the gentlemen of "the Manchester party" had been unable to hold a real public meeting in the capital of their own district. The manufacturing

. dais has not inanagedlo-eOnciliate, at lelstmith any itCtirtitfe'Sh,


I the good :will of the Workidg.41ais,' partly_ from the usual jai

1 ' lousies.betive'en:mnster tin& servant, and paatlY.frOm .a-use Made of the -work* tlassea.in •the Reform Bill cora Withene'itubtferitietit payment _ Of . that debt ; ' and some of those Politield ittiais , 'are at the :Ind-sent ' Moment 'visited by retribution In' stli fehltpe of trouble,' if,.. not : of . defeat It is trite that a Treainfil-ineu did not_gn down fo oppose Mr. Milner Gibson-;• but two load-ruin nere_founik 41. the-.Pbrsimis tif•Sir Johir Potter and Mr:Aspindll Turner-------------•' ./ . , ,

. . At .Liveipool,-another Turner goes" at the'onO Literal Member;

.tuid.t.lie t1L-ettbIs of; that party..itre 'compelled hi' edneentrateall theim4tT inthe Preservation 'of One kit out Of the Avti.---But hele'again-the-tiberal party Will derive a strong accession. front thersorvis*-Of scime of its members who have been .the'objeet Of ungenerous insinuations. • If Mr. Joseph Ewart is to obtain hid.sent aghitirit^,Willqtkin consequence of the support giienbY thelews: Lltirtningliain;.in ,returning its old Members, at dlarie Publics nieetinglal exPiessly declared ' its disapprobation of the attempt ta:ebtitin-Can'electien on the principle' of ineie adhesion to Lord PaInteriteir.;therBirmingham people resolving to test their candidates by'theitrinciples of "civil ad religious liberty and 'pro

gressive reforin." ' • . .. -.

In many Constituencies the force of individual character is making its way irrespectively of the broad classification dictated to the electors:: At Bradford, foi instance General Thompson and. his companion Mr. Wickham Fieein likely .to. get iu withent resistanCe. At Southampton,Mr; Wilcox, and Mr. Wemueltn, Whol..hakto:chifrent a deterrnined. okiesition,at the ,single 'tapetion,-,art; now:Ad...in tree, ...tile • eonstitueng, howev.efriirAo apprevisig,of..1LordPalmer-den,. alert their demands fOrextension Otthi; infringe, abolition of &arch:rates, progressive refornt'Acw... , .. Mr...0!-CaAstone's demonstration in;Flints. hire is more inteipating .. , frorinateipaiaanal-than its local electioneering character.. •.-Qsfensibif Mr, ftbidatone appeared in the vOcatienlf ,ctintiatstrilitid Slinking fox hip-.relativo Sir Stephen„qyting;Anthe er!14 pot resistperliaPs,did not desire to reaist44he .opportuniiy, lilite talking '-itp!PiJfic4te'Plien, of endeavonring to talk down Lord Palnettadon;tt -.X.:_reVerend elector stood .for_ty.Wniznke :.t.kc., premier-',.addi roundly accused Mr. Glaihstonerot seekrngw4lace for lifiailf:ntteadffintage for his relatiiel.'•,TithiltrOdueed another SPee'eli 7TrOin't-. iii.' Gladstone, • and a stieneethibition of that realinee; . to ..-." moved" which has distinguished 'hint lat.

..:. . „ .

terljt%?•.'ir''''''''.'-'.1.-.. ' ' • of the English elections are ;varied, those of Sciitifiud.Mientill more perplexing for the English reader. A ve, ' iViifeideitta will show upon what special and local peon.. lia-rt 'She, contest turns. Edinburgh, for example, has been slii'ly • stirred "by some -partial desire to make one seat Vacant. . " Wanted a candidate 1" has been a standing advertisement • oribehalf of those who desired to get rid of Mr. _Cowan. .: Even Mr, Thackeray is said to have been invited, and Mr.',Lawiench Oliphant the traveller. Lord John Russell was talked . of ; bit,. by some mysterious dispensation of Providence, , roia J Min Rtisselfs candidature was rendered impossible, by :fixing the nomination and poll on the very same days with the 'nomination and poll in London. Again, manufacturing Paisley had parted With Mr. Mastic, who was spontaneously retiring,

when he was called beak again from retirement by a requisition ; anff_itt the time we write, uncognizant of the upshot,it seems

• Iffrely that Mr. Hestia Will have tO sit in another 'Parliament, through the short supply of candidates for the present market. 'Once more, in Fifeshire, Mr. Fergus has been carrying on a successful canvass ; but he is opposed by Lord Loughborough, ;Who thinks that he strengthens his own interest by declaring that he is "in favour of the herring-brand." Imagine an election turning upon what in Scotland tite ytilgttr call a "Glasgow magistrate" iftel in 'Eng-11nd ft "'soldier " !

The state of almost any one Irish county—Tipperary or Mayo

—characterizes the present condition of that country. The Liberals boast of gaining ground; but it is in the midst of trials ; for " Ould Ireland" is roused in all its old spirit, and the Green Isle at prated is under a universal irruption of priests, money, and

shillelahs ; with the unusual incident that in some places the Roman clergy are entering into a "combination" with the Tories.

Some circumstances attending the breach of diplomatic relations between Austria and Sardinia suggest doubts without solving them. It has been represented that the Emperor of Austria has recalled his Minister from Turin, because he has not received sufficiently respectful attention from the Sardinian Government; an explanation which might suffice, if Austria had not been strengthening her forces and fortifications on the Piedmontese border for some two or three years. The Sardinian Government has left the protection of its interests at Vienna in the hands of the French Minister there. Various allies have been named as performing the same office for Austria at Turin ; but the most probable statement is that the Prussian Minister acts for Austria. There is no clue to the position which the British Government has taken : it seems to have left the foremost place in Italian affairs to our ally.

• The C'onstitutionnel publishes a circular address by M. von Seheele, the Danish Minister, to the representatives of his Government at Paris, London, Stockholm, and St. Petersburg, making a great complaint against a certain "Scandinavian idea." The writer does not explain what the " idea " is. He says it is " unimportant " if it receive no foreign support ; he assumes that it does receive no foreign support ; yet he thinks it necessary to bespeak for it the repudiation and discountenancing influence of France, England, Sweden, and Russia"The Scandinavian idea" has been supposed to contemplate a union of all the Scandinavian countries under one monarchy. It has been understood that the Western Powers have shown great favour to Sweden ; but if Denmark has the support of Russia, and if "the idea" has taken root in Copenhagen, of what is M. von Scheele afraid ? His circular letter is written at somebody, and who that somebody is we are not entitled to conjecture. The sole inference is that some intrigue is going forward, and it is impossible to guess who are the parties to that intrigue.