tly aunt.
WAR Orries:, Pall Mall, March 17.-,-Brevet.—Major-Gen. the lin. T. Ashburnham, C.B. to have the local and temporary rank of Lieut.-Gen. while employed upon a particular service.
WAR OFFICE, Pall Mall, March 20.—Cavalry-4th Regt. of Dragoon GuardsLieut. C. F. Shelve to be Capt. by purchase, vice Henry, who retires; Cornet and Arljt. E. Hamm to have the rank of Lieut.; Cornet W. C. Goldie to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Blume; Cornet II. II. Chilton, from the 7th Drag. Guards, lobe Cornet, vice Wilk.
lot Drags.—J. W. S. Smith, Gent, to be Comet, by purchase, vice Graburn, promoted. 3d Light Drags.-8. Barrett, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Bell, promoted.
Infantry.—lst or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards—Capt. W. Earle, from the 49th Foot, to lie Lieut and Capt. vice Brevet-Major W. G. Cameron, who exchanges.
Scots Fusilier Guards—Ensign and Lieut. the Hon. E. Brownlow to be Lieut and Capt. by purchase, vice Brevet-Major Shuckburgh, who retires ; R. A. Dalzell, Gent, to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice the Hon. E. Brownlow ; BattalionSorg. J. A. 13oatock, M.D. to be Surg.-al Riot vice 'I'. Richardson, who retires upon half-pay ; Assist-Surg. F. Robinson. M.D. to be Battalion Sum. vice Bostock. let Regiment of Foot—C. K. C. Rooke, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice .Nershaw, who retires.
2d Foot—The exchange between Capts. Witten and Grimston, as stated in the Gazette of 30th Sept. last, has been antedated to Sept. 29,1856.
7th Foot—Major 11W. Aldworth to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Brevet-Col. W. H. C. Wellesley, who retires • 13rovet-Major T. Tryon to be Major by purchase, vice Aldworth : Lieut. G. II. Wailer to be Capt. by purchase, vice Tryon.
13th Foot—The exchange between Capts. Grimston and Willan, RH stated in the Gazette of 30th Sept. last, has been antedated to 211th Sept. 1856.
16th Foot—Lieut. G. Barchard to be Adjt. vice Douglas, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 17th Foot—Lieut. W. F. A. E. Presgrave to be Instructor of Musketry. 18th Foot—Ensign G. S. Hutchings hoe been permitted to resign his commission. 23d Foot—Assist-Sur. J. N. Shipton, from the Staff, to be Asaist-Surg. 28th Foot—Brevet-Major T. Maunsell to be Major, by purchase, vice Brevet
Lieut.-Col. Lindsell, who retires; Lieut. E.G. Waldy lobe Capt. by purchase, vice Mamma; Capt. J. G. Turner, front half-pay 28th 1 out, to be Capt. vice Waldy, placed upon half-pay.
35th Foot—Major 1'. W. 8. Boss, from the 59d Foot, to be Major, vice English, who exchanges.
43d Foot—Brevet-Col. T. G. Browne, C.B. from half-pay 14th Foot, to be Lieut.Col. vice Brevet-Col. Skipwith, who exchanges; alajorJ. H. Primrose to be Lieut.Col. by purchase, vice Brevet-Col. Browne, who retires. 45th Foot—W. Kershaw, Gent, to be Ensign, by par. vice Apjohn, who retires. 49th Foot—Brevet-Major W. G. Cameron, from the lot or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards, to be Capt. vice Erie, who exchanges. 53c1 Foot—Major F. English, from the 95th Foot, to be Major, vice Roes, who exchanges. 66th Foot—Lieut. Sir C. F. W. Cuffe, Bart. to be Capt. by purchase, vice liawkes, who retires ; Ensign C. A. Shortt to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sir C. F. W. Cline. 76th Foot—Lieut..). W. Preston to he Instructor of Musketry. Sid Foot—Lieut. P. T. Dickson has been permitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission ; C. Neville, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Henderson, promoted.
911 Foot—Lieut, E. Welch to be Instructor of Musketry, vice Capt. Dawson, who resigns that appointment ; Assist-Surg. 3,11. Bell, M.D. from the 79th Foot, to be Asenst-Surg, 94th Foot—Lieut. S. Malthus to be Instructor of Musketry, vice Capt. St. John, who resigns that appointment. 96th Foot—Capt, J. Meade, from half-pay of the 30th Foot, to be Capt. vice Dillon, whose appointment to the Regiment, from half-pay of the Rifle Brigade, has been cancelled,
Brigade—Ident. C. T. Murdoch has been pennitted to retire from the service by the sale of his commission.
Gold Coast Corps—Ensign W. Cumming to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Clarke, who resigns.
Land Transport Corps—To be Quartermasters—Acting Quartermaster E. Pierton, late Commissary Storekeeper ; Acting Quartermaster D. 31'1ntyre, from Quartermaster-Sergt. 79th Foot.
Nita Baltalion—Capt, It. D. Astley, 49th Foot, to be Instructor of Musketry.
Hospital Ste—Staff-Surg. of the First Class R. Templeton, M.D. from halfpay, tuba Staff-Surg. of the First Class, vice It. Dane, M.D. placed upon halfpay ; Purveyor's Clerk C. B. Knapp to be Purveyor to the Forces ; Acting Assist.burg. T. A. Finnimore has been permitted to resign his commission.
Brecet.—Brevet-Lieut.-Col..7. Jacob, C.D. of the Bombay Artillery, to be Aidede-camp to the Queen, with the rank of Col. in the Army.
The following promotions to take place in consequence of the appointment of Col. T. G. Higgins, of the Royal Artillery, to be Major-Gen, on the retirement to fullpay of Mator-Gen. Bastard, of that corps—Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. Macphail, halfpay of 7th Light Drags. to be Col.; Bator F. D. Lumley, half-pay Unattached, to be Lieut.-Col.; Capt. F. Lucas, of the 16th Foot, to be Major.
The undermentioned officer having completed three years' actual service on the 3,1 Feb. 1857, in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant of the 6th of Oct. 1851—Lieut.-Col. H. W. Whitteild, of 2d West India Itegt.
The undermentioned Quartermaster, retired on half-pay, to have the honorary rank of Capt. under the Royal warrant of the 17th Dec. 1855—Quartermaster W. Betson, half-pay, 15th Light Drags.
WAR OFFICE, Pall Mall, March 27.—Carairo—Ist Regt. of Life Guards—To be Cornets and Sub-Lieutenants, b purehase—J. II. Reginald Lord Earlsfort, vice the lion. C. Duncombe, prom. ; 11. 11. Langhani, Gent. Nice Viscount Powerseourt, promoted.
Royal Bee. of Horse Guards—Cornet the hon. G. R. C. Hill to be Lieut. by purchase, vies Heinle, who retires.
9t1 Drag. Gnards—Paymaster F. W. Lakin, from the 2d Drags. to be Paymaster, vice King, who exchanges.
2d Drags.—Payuraster 3.11. King, from the 241 Drag. Gaurds, to be Paymaster, vice Lukin, who exchanges.
, ad Light Drags.—Lieut. J. N. Preston to be Capt by put vice Draper, who retires. 11th Light Drags.—Cornet B. D. Napier to be Lieut, by porch. vice Dungate, who retires ; 11.11.11. Dungate, Gent, to be Riding-master.
Military Train—Paymaster B. IL James, from the late Land Transport Corps, to be Paymaster.
Royal Artillery— See. Capt J. L. Bolton to be Capt. lice Flint, dec.; Lieut. A. W. Johnson to be Second Capt. vice Bolton.
The dates of the promotion of the undermentioned officers to be altered as follows —Capt. W. B. Saunders to 13th Jan. 1857; Second Capt. C. B. Le Mesurier to 13th Jan. 1857; Capt. C. IL Smith to 24th Jan. 1857; Second Capt. 11.8. Elliott to 24th Jan. 1857; Capt. H. T. Fitzhugh to 21st Feb. 1857: Capt. W. N. Hardy to 21st Feb. 1857; Second Capt. H. P. P. Philips to 21st Feb. 1857.
Royal Engineers—Second Capt. A. Clarke, on the Supernumerary List, to be Capt.; Brevet-Major F. Du Cane tobe Capt. vice Penrice, resigned; Lieut. G. Neville to be Second Capt. vice DO Cane.
Infantry-9th Foot—Lieut. A. G. Douglas to be Instructor of Musketry.
254 Foot—Lieut.-Col. R. Pratt, from half-pay 41st Foot, to be Lieut.-Col.; Capt C. G. C. Norton, from half-pay 23d Foot, tube Capt. vice 1'. Sayer, who exchanges ; Ensign F. W. Hutton, to be Lieut by purchase, vice Griffith, who retires ; G. I'. R. Colt, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hutton ; Ensign C. Jacquet to be allowed to retire from the Army, her Majesty having no further occasion for his services.
39th Foot—Capt. T. Adams, from the 78th Foot, to be Capt. vice Foster, who exchanges. 40th Foot—Ensign H. It. L. Morgan to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cook, whose promotion, by purchase, on the 25th May 1855, has been cancelled. 65th Foot—T. Gambell, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Shortt, promoted. 72d Foot—II. Barron, Gent, to be Ensign, by pur, v ice Burnet, who retires. 78th Foot—Capt. F. W. Foster, from the 39th Foot, to be Capt. vice Adams, who exchanges
81st Foot—Lieut. W. Musgrave to be Adjutant, vice Wilkinson, who resigns the Adjutancy only.
92d Foot—Lieut. W. D. Inverarity to be Capt. by pur. vice D. P. Campbell, who retires. • 97th Foot—Ensign R. C. Kearney has been permitted to resign his commission.
Staff—Brevet-Colonel Hon. W. L. Pakenham, C.B. upon half-pay Gnat. as Lieut.-Col. to be Deputy-Adjt.-Gen. to the troops proceeding on a particular service. Brevet-Colonel E. E. Wetherell, C.B. upon half-pay tacit. as Major, to be Deputy-Quartermaster-General to the troops proceeding on a particular serviceBrevet-Col. S. Brownrigge, C.B. upon half-pay Unatt. as a Lieut.-Col. to be Deputy-Quartermaster Gen. to the forces serving in Ireland, vice Brevet-Cot. Wetherell, appointed Deputy-Quartermester-Gen. to the forces employed on a particular service. •
Hospital Staff—Deputy-Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals—A. Gordon, M.D. C.B. from half-pay, to be Deputy-Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals—T. C. Beale, Gent, to be Assist-Surg. to the Forces.
Brcret.—The undermentioned officer having completed three years' actual service on the 8th March 1857, in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant of 6th October, 1854—Lieut.-Col, It. Waddy, C.B. 50th l'oot.
The undermentioned officers having completed three years' service in the rank of Lieut.-Col. according, to the provisions of the Royal warrant of 3.1 Nov. 1854, to be Cols. in the Army, viz.—Lieut.-Col. J. W. Ormsby, Royal Artillery ; Lieut.-Col. H.. Servante, Royal Engineers ; Lieut.-Col. St. A. Molesworth, retired full-pay of theRoyal Engineers, to be Col. in consequence of the promotion of Lieut.-Col. Wilkin son, of the Royal Engineers, who stood below him on the effective strength of thecorps when he retired. Brevet-Major W. Cartan and Brevet-Major A. Donelan, on retired full-pay (Staff officers of Pensioners), to be Lieut.-Cols. in the Army, the rank being honorary only. The undermentioned Cadets of the East India Company's Service to have the local and temporary rank of Ensign during the period of their being placed under the command of Col. Sandham, of the Royal Engineers, at Chatham, for Field Instructions in the art of Sapping and Mining—I. P. Westmoreland, Gent. A. C. Padday,. Gent. '1'. F. Dowden, Gent. 0. B. C. St. John, Gent. A. Le Mesurier, Gent. D. II. Trail, Gent. A. II. Bagge, Gent. W. Coningham, Gent. F. Robertson, Gent.