28 MARCH 1857, Page 21


Partnerships Dissolred.-Skepherds and Irving, Sheffield and New York, merchants ; as far as regards J. M. Shepherd-Ledger and Co. Great Pearl Street, Spitaffields, lead-merchants-Jekyll and Co. Lincoln, chemical-manufacturers; Singleton and Co. Lincoln, waterproof-cover-manufacturers-Fox and Simmons, Bristol and Keynsham, attorneys-Mason and Garton, Nottingham, brace-manufaeturers-M•Dowall and Co. Castleford, York, earthenwareonanufacturers-'ribbetts and Hannay, Warwick and Leamington Priors, solicitors-J. and S. Jackson, Longton, Stafford, mercers-Eccles and Hallirrell, Over Darwen, power-loom-cloth-manufa.cturers-Short and Co. Finch Lane and Glasgow, sworn-brokers-Chalk and Meggy, Chelnasfard, attorneys-Snape and Bennett, West Bradford, York. bobbinmakers-Snowdon and Sons, Norwich, silk-mercers-Hopkins and Ashby. Chatham, tailors-Ely and Ellis, North Cerney, Gloucester, farmers-Benda and Co.-Bond and Barnes, Lichfield, attorneys-Newell and Murray, Conduit Street, millinersMartin and Co. Constantinople, merchants-Oswin and Tootal, Angel Court, stockbrokers-J. and G. Unett, Birmingham, attorneys-Brown and Dimes, Newtown, Montgomery, flannel-merchants-Seymour and Bryan, Brighton, builders-A, and

M. Deacon, Chapel Road, Norwood, builders-A. and J. Partridge, \Vantage, wheelwrights-Sayer and Co. Gateshead, cement-manufacturers-W. and J. Ellis, Nottingham, lace-makers-Robinson and Sheppard, Kimberley and Basford, Nottingham, brewers-Strachan and Smith, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-brokers-Wells and Co. Coningsby, Lincoln, drapers-Brown and Wallis, Hull, cabinet-makersSergeant and Nicholls, Bush Lane, Cannon Street, spiee-merehants-Page and Co. Liverpool, auctioneers.

Bankruptcy Annulled.-HENur BLTrox, York Terrace, Ratcliffe, clothier. Bankrupfs.-Jous Mtasriai., Beading, and elsewhere, coal-merchant (under the firm of the Great Western Coal Company), to surrender April 18, May 8 solicitors, Linklaters and Hackwood, Site Lane ; official assignee, Whitmore, Bashighall Street. BENJAMIN Sam, Whitechapel Road. victualler, April 9, May I: solicitors, Cox and Sons, Sise Lane: official assignee, Lee, Aldermanhury.

Josserr SKINNER, Great James Street, Bedford Row, auctioneer, April 17, May 8: solicitors, Lawrance and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Calmtur, Aldermanburr.

Ilittraan Numora, Bedford, corn-merchant, April 17, May 8: solicitors, Linklaters and Birchwood, Sloe Lane; official assignee, Calmat:, Aldermaniniry.

WILLIAM DICKENS Error, Seven Sisters Rawl, Holloway , and Old Street, victualler, April 4, May 7 : solicitor, Eland, Trafalgar Square ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street.

JAMIM LONG, Portsea, rag-merchant, April 7. May 7: solicitors, Linklaters and Hackwood, Sise Lore; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.

THOMAS Theorist: WAVELL, Adams Court, Old Broad Street, bill-broker, April 20, May 13; solicitor, Stubbs, aloorgate Street; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street.

GEORGE LASIIMAR, Brighton, seed-crusher, April 7, May 5: official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street.

ANDREW 112sn, Pleasant ltqw, Pentonrille, tea-dealer, April 7, May 5: solicitors, Willoughby and Co. Clifford's Inn ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street. SOLOMON Solomon, Strand, tailor, April 7, May 5 : solicitor, Oldknow, tjoilmlforsi Place ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basingliall Street.

JAMES STErENS Truer, Lombard Street Chambers. dealer in mining shares, April 8, May 6 : solicitors, Linklaters and Ilackwood, Sire Loire; official assignee, Gmliars, Coleman Street.

WILLIAM JEFFCOAT, King's Heath, Worcester, baker, April 6,27: solicitor, Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham.

, JAMES SIIFFM, Walsall, marine-store-dealer, April 9, 30: solicitors, Duignan and Ilemmant, ; Hodgson and Allen, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitsnore, Birmingham.

CiLiaLks Jaws,' Loughborough, victualler, April 7, 28 : solicitor, Inglesant, Loughboroug,h ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham.

WILLIAM Met, Leicester, hosiery-manufacturer. April 7, May12 : solicitors, Stone and Paget, Leicester ; James, Birmingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham. THOMAS DILLON, Halifas, bont-maker, April 20, May 11 solicitor, Bricrley, 'talifax; official assignee, Hope, Leeds. JOHN Sirwsirr, Preston, iron-founder, April 6, 28 : solicitors, Aseroft, Preston ; Colkett and Wheeler, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester.

JosaTirAst Walonr, Burnley, shoemaker, April 20, May 11: solicitors, Aleock and Holmes, Burnley ; Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Pott, Manchester.

EDWARD WATMOUGM, Manchester, draper, April 11, May 1: solicitors, Lee, St. Paul's Churchyard ; Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manehester, BEN/AMEN TIORNHY, Iloylake, Cheshire, hotel-keeper, April 8, May 4 : solicitor, Smith, Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool. Joust Jososs BOHEMIA, Liverpool, metal-broker,. April 8, 20: solicitors, Fletcher and Hull, Liverpool • official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. Diridcnds.-April '17 Wilson, Prince's Street, Hanover Square, tailor-April 17, Royal British Bank, South Sea House, Threadneedle Street, and elsewhere-April 17, Edwards, High Street, Wapping, ale-merchant-April 17, Nicholls, Oxford Street, tavern-keeper-April 18. Adamson, John Street, Berkeley :Square, winemerchant-April 18, Nicholls, Thornhill Crescent, Islington, merchant-April la, 'Hawkins, Woolwich, corn-dealer-April 17, Smith, Oxford Street and Connaught Terrace, corset-maker-April 18, Cotehing, Hail Weston, Hu tingdon, fannerApril 17, White, Northampton, draper-April 18, Stanbury, Richmond, draperApril 25, Carpenter. Museum Street, Bloomsbury, victualler-April 23. SatIgnive junior, and Ragg, Eldon Street, Finabury. and Dunnings Alley. Bishopsgate Street, cabinet-makers-April 23, N. and T. Andrews, Gateshead, ironmongers -April 20, Hart, West Hartlepool, wine-mirchant-April 20, Dickenson, Walsall, merchantApril 18, H. and G. Hon-gate, Sheffield, steel-converters.

Certificates to be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary ass the day of meeting.-April 18, Aslifit•Id, Hammersmith, boot-maker-April 17, Fearis, Lambeth Walk. draper-April 17, King, Dullinglram, Cambridgeshire, corn-merchant-April 21, Pollack, Fieldgate Street, sugar-refiner-April 24, 8tepanoff, Liverpool, merchant -April 23, Barnet, Innabridge, Shropshire, butcher-April 23, Taylor, Wednesbury, builder-April 23, Longridge, Birmingham, stay-maker-April 28, Horsfall, Leeds, commission-agent-April 28. Dickinson. Harrowgate, lodging-house-keeper-April 20. Lord and Roseman, Cage Mill, Lanembire, woollen-maeufaeturers.

Declarations of Dirt lends.-Reeve, Beaufort Wharf, coal-merchant ; second div. of Is. 2d. Wednesday next, and subsequent Wednesday Lee, AldermanburySilvestre,'Argyll Street, Regent Street, importer of fancy goods: second dir. of 21d. Wednesday next, and two subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, sambrook CourtMunton, Bourne, Lincoln, surgeon ; first dir. of 6s. Monday next, and three following Mondays ; Harris, Nottingham-Davis, Sutton, Coldfleld, victualler; first div. of 4s. Id. any Thursday, Cnristie, Birmingham-Gaskell and Garstang, Blackburn, machine-makers; first div. of 4s. 9d, and first die. of Os. on the separate estate of T. Garstang,.any Tuesday; Pott, Manchester-S. and E. Lord, Bacup, millwrights ; first dlr. of 2s. 6d. any Tuesday; Pott, Manehester-Birtwilistle, Bury, inn-keeper; first dir. of 6s. 9/. any Tuesday; l'ott, Manchester-Priestly, Accrington, iron-founder; first div. of Is. 11,1. any Tuesday: l'ott, Manchester-Griffin, Liverpool, game-dealer ; first dir. of 3s. Ild. any Wednesday: Morgan, Liverpool • Guilliam, Liverpool, blacksmith; first dir. of 3s. lid, any Wedneeday ; Morgan, Liverpool-N4yro, Ripon, linen-draper ; first div. of Is. Sid. any Friday; Hope, Leeds-Plumsoll, Sheffield. coal-merchant; first dir. on new proofs of 3s. 2d. any *Tuesday; Bressin. Sheffield-H. and G. Howgate, Sheffield, steel-manufaetmers ; first div. of I0s, on the separate estate of IL Howaate, and first di's'. of 20s. on the aeparate estate of G. Howgate. any Tuesday ; Bresrm,Shefileld-Staniforth, Sheffield, outlier; firat div, of ls. any Tuesday: Brewut,Sheifteld-flowitt, Sheffield, victualler; ffinst div. of Ga. 3d. any Tuesday: BICWID, Sheffield-Marratt, Doncaster, attorney; first dlr. of 5s. rild. any Tuesday; Brewin, Sheffield--Grayburn, Hull, grocer; first aliv. of Is. 6d. any Thursday ; Carrick-liiehardsjun. Coekermonth, brewer: see. dlr. of 41. (in addition to ts. 84. previously declared), any Saturday ; Baker. Newcastleupon-Tyne--M. and T. Byers, Monkwearmouth, ship-builders ; first div. of 2s. 6d. and first dir. or 33. 4d. on the separate estate of AL Byers, any Saturday ; Baker, Neweastle-upon-Tyne--Prudhoe, Durham, grocer ; first die. of 2s. 5d. any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Boyd, North Shields, grocer; first div. of Os. 41. any Saturday ; Baker, Neweastle-upon-tyne. Scotch Sequestrations.-Pinky, Glasgow, merchant, April 3-Broadbent and Co. Glasgow, wool-merchants, Mareh 31,