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Tim Quemt held a Court and Privy Council, at Buckingham Palace, on Saturday. At the Privy Council, the proclamation dissolving Parliament was ordered to be issued. The Earl of Elgin was sworn of the Privy Council. At the Court, Sir John Crampton had audience, and kissed hands on his appointment as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of Hanover. Earl Granville, the Earl of Clarendon, Lord Palmerston, and Lord Panmure, had audience.
Her Majesty has taken her usual drives abroad. She has also visited the Haymarket Theatre and the Princess's. Prince Albert went to Aldershot on Wednesday. The list of guests at Buckingham Palace includes Lord and Lady Folkestone, Lord and Lady Arthur Hay, Colonel Pakenham, the Duke of Cambridge, Feruk Khan, Lord and Lady Palmerston, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon the Earl and Countess Granville, the Earl of Aberdeen, Professor Ranke, Count Persigny, the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, and the Marquis of Lansdowne.