28 MARCH 1857, Page 8


The Earl of Malmesbury, being unable to reply in Parliament to Lord Pa/merston's speech at the Mansionhouse and his address to the electors of Tiverton, has addressed a letter to the Premier, which he has published in the morning journals.

The China blue-book, he says, was an indictment against Sir John Bowring, and the verdict in the House of Commons was against the defendant. He accuses Lord Palmerston of trying to make the electors of Tiverton believe that the atrocities of which the Chinese have been guilty preceded our military operations ; whereas, with the exception of the supposed outrage of the Arrow, the Chinese outrages were subsequent to our military operations, and induced by them. He asks if it is decent in a Prime Minister "to use the table at the Mansionhouse as a hustings." He is angry with Lord Palmerston for saying, "if those who voted against us had risen to power," logically "they must have paid the rewards which had been given for the heads of our merchants, and the cost of the arsenic which had been used in poisoning our fellow-subjects at Hongkong." This is "electioneering claptrap." In conclusion, Lord Malmesbury eays—" The country having been committed my humble vote will support a war which has now become necessary to English interests and honour, but which at first might have been Avoided without a sacrifice of either."

The Convocation of tho Prelates and Clergy of the Province of Canterbury was dissolved on Tuesday. The writs for the new Convocation are returnable on the let of May.

Admiral Saunders Dundee has been appointed a Lord of the Admiralty, in the room of Admiral Richards.

It is stated that the Green Itiband worn by the late Earl of Fife will be given to Lord Kinnaird.

The report from Count Raynevrd, the French Minister at Rome, to Count M'alewski, published last week by the Daily Nora, has caused a atir on the Continent. The French journals reprint it, but say that the sense and words have been altered. The Daily News returns to the charge. It states that the English version was translated into French by the lackpendanee Beige; that of course the Belgian journalist could not guess at the exact words used by Count Reyneval ; and that the charge of perverting the sense is thus accounted for. Then it reprints a copy of the original document in the French tongue ! It appears that the "special correspondent" of the Daily News at Turin obtained the docufent from "a Liberal member of the Chamber of Deputies" there, and forwarded it to London. It is assumed that the confidential despatch was concocted expressly to provide a pretest for maintaining the French garrison in Rome. [The Gazette of Lyons has now discovered that the despatch was printed in the rinnuaitv of Mr Berne des Dace Honda "a

year ago?']

'the report of the Registrar-General shows a alight increase in the number of deaths. Last week, 1195 persons died; in the week before last, 1156. But compared with the corrected average of mortality, 1318, there remains 123 in favour of the improved sanitary condition of the metropolis. Eight nonagenarians died in the week: a nurse in We!. worth at the age of ninety-four years; a gentleman in Upper Charlotte Street, Tottenham Court load, at the same age ; and a widow in the German Jews' Hospital, at Mile End, who had reached the age of ninetynine years.

The Speaker gave hislarewell dinner to the chief officers of the House of Commons on Saturday.

The Russian Ambassador has renewed those hospitalities at the Embassyin Chesham Place so rudely interrupted by the war. On Wednesdayheentertained a number of distinguishedguests, including the Sardinian Minister and Lord Palmerston. The Countess Chreptou itch held an assembly in the evening. It was attended by men of-all parties. The Austrian Minister was not present.

When the Grand Duke Constantine was at Geneva, he was introduced to' the British Prince Alfred, at the Grand Duchess Anna Feodorowna's.

T. oanzovuracc of the tvt..,nt vOtU of the House of Commons, Sir John M'Neill is, we believe, to be made a member of the Privy Council; having chosen that honour out of two placed in his option. Colonel Tulloeh, we hear, is made, or to be made, a Civil K.C.B.—Seotsman.

The four brothers of Abd-el-Kader have left Marseilles for the East.

It is said that foreign travel has had its usual effect upon the Empress oS Austria; and it is noticed at Vienna that she has lost much of the timidity i she displayed before she went to Italy. The Ban Jellachich has so fallen away in health that he is but the shadow of his former self.

Sir George William Anderson,.a distinguished Indian Civil servant, Judge of the Sudder, Commissioner of the Deccan, Mr. Macaulay's colleague in the• framing of a code for India, Acting Governor of Bombay for one year, and. Governor of the Mauritius, died on the 17th instant, two years after his return home.

The remains of the lamented Dr. Kane, who died at Havanna, have been honoured with lying in state at Baltimore.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, it is said, intended to purchase the Soulages Collection ; but the run upon the Miseellaneons Estimates caused him to strike out the item. What the Chancellor was afraid to buy has been purchased by seven Manchester gentlemen for the Art Treasures Exhibition. When that is over, the collection will be again in the market; Manchesterwill have the first refusal, her Majesty's Government the second.

Of the 10,000/ required for erecting the tower of new Doncaster Church, 8600/. has been already subscribed, and the work will be commenced.

At Warwick, last Sunday, Lord Campbell and his fellow Judge attended theservice at St. Mary's church. The Reverend Albert Boudier, apparently ignorant that Parliament was non-existent, began to read the usual prayer for the Parliament. Whereupon Lord Campbell cried out, much to the amazement of the congregation, "No, no ! there is no Parliament." Mr. Boudier passed to the next prayer.

The Paris Manikiur publishes a report to the Emperor from the Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, giving an account of the disposal of 400,000' francs intrusted to him for distribution among the old soldiers who served between the years 1792 and 1815. More than 60,000 old soldiers had petitioned for relief. A selection was made, and the 400,000 francs were divided among 4207 chosen from the most aged, the most needy, and the most deserving of the applicants. It appears from the report that there still exist in France and in Algeria 67,769 soldiers of the old Imperial Army, of whom more than 40,000 require assistance from the Government.

The Pasha of Egypt, during a late journey, made great reductions in taxation in some provinces : the regulations, if carried out, will be a greatboon to the cultivators.

It is said that the French Government intend to visit penally the now common assumption of" Count," "Viscount," and "Baron," as a prefix to the names of persons who have no claims to nobility.

The Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna made a fruitless attempt to introduce the Jesuits into the suburbs of Alser and Rossau. To the astonishment of his Grace, the rectors of the two suburbs mentioned refused to permit the followers of Loyola to preach in their churches, "because their parishioners were not so desperately wicked as to require such violent language as the Jesuit missionaries were in the habit of addressing to their audiences."

The Bishop of Leitmeritz in Bohemia has published a list of questions to. be put to persons about to be married: some of them are of the most disgusting nature. • The United Service Gazette states that several distinguished Indian officers will be sufferers by the stoppage of the London and Eastern Banking Corporation, of which they are shareholders. The Gazette ascribes the break-down of the bank to improvident advances on a large scale upon securities not immediately available.

It is reported that Colonel Waugh, who purchased Branksea Island, and' laid out large sums in working pottery-clay found there, in building a church for his workpeople, and in erecting Branksea Castle, has failed,. through the unfortunate end of the London and Eastern Banking Corporation.

A correspondent of the Glasgow Herald proposes a subscription for Mr. John Macgregor, the late Member, and former Secretary of the Board of Trade, but now in the deepest pecuniary want.

A private letter from Jassv says that the Austrian occupation has cost Moldavia, up to the 1st govember 1856, for seven items, no less than 7,294,691 piastres' this sum by no means representing the whole amount expended. In Wallachia the expenditure was on a still larger scale.

M. Colignon, a French engineer, has been appointed to construct the Russian railways : he is preparing to leave France for St. Petersburg.

The total amount of moneys received by churchwardens and chapel

wardens in England and Wales from Easter 1853 to Easter 1854, was 484,852/., and the total amount expended 464,544/.; 314,6601. was derived from church-rates, and 170,191/. from other sources. The total sum borrowed was 318,198/.

A Parliamentary return has appeared of the sums voted in supply during each year from 18.35 to 1856, under the heads of Army, Nary, Ordnance, and Miscellaneous Services. The total amount voted in 1835 was 14,123,255/ ; in 1836, 14,652,572/. • in 1837, 15,138,576/.; in 1838, 15,726,9871.; in 1839, 17,219,6921.; m 140, 17,622,513/.' in 1841, 18,949,74W.; in 1842, 19,585,763/. ; in 1843, 19,921,283/.; in 1844, 17,732,1811. ; in 1845, 18,736,591!.; in 1846, 20,189,912/. ; in 1847, 22,M,709/. ; in 1848, 22,888,658/. ; in 1849, 21072745/.; in 1850, 20,012,735!.; in 1861,

19,746,9411.; in 1852, 20,981,6091.; in 1853, 22,237,472/. ; in 1854, 43,310,655:.; in 1855, 62,207,8221.; and in 1856, 50,564,624/.

Colonel Lee, a Government clerk, accused Mr. Hume, a merchant, of picking his pocket at the President's levee at Washington. Subsequently, Mr. Hume waited on Colonel Lee to expostulate ; Lee persisted that Hunie had attempted to steal his pocket-book; Hume then struck his accuser with a stick, and Lee instantly shot him dead.