The market for National Securities has ruled unusually quiet during
the week, and all other departments of the Stock Exchange have been characterized by a comparative absence of business. Consols opened on Monday at 93 to 93* both for money and the account, at which quotation they closed yesterday. Reduced and New Three per Cents. were 91i to 92 ; Exchequer Bills 8s. to 13s. prem. Indian Securities have been steady in value, with little busi- ness doing. Foreign Bonds have been inactive, with prices tending downwards for most securities. In the Railway market the deal- ings have been limited. Caledonian Stock gave way on the announcement of a dividend of 2* per cent., against 6f per cent. last year, and other lines were depressed in consequence. There has been an improved demand for money, and in the open market the rate is quite equal to the Bank minimum for choice paper, viz., 2 per cent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 21,438,0831.; in the Bank of France, 46,770,0001.