28 MARCH 1885, Page 14


rm THE EDITOR Olt THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—L3 it "the first necessity of a memorial that, apart from the memories it evokes, it should be useless "? Is it not rather a mockery to raise a memorial to a man in such a form that he would be the first person to knock it down if he were alive ? We have a tolerably clear idea of General Gordon's wishes from the letters of his own relatives. And further, is it not the case that, although Gordon needs no monument to keep his memory green, public feeling for him must find expression, and rightly finds it, as I humbly hold, in carrying out such a project as the Port Said Hospital. I cannot help hoping with Miss Gordon that the English memorial may take the form of an institution for destitute lads. They should, as I think, receive a military training, and thus perpetuate Gordon's spirit in the Army.— I am, Sir, &c., Frogmore, St. Albans. EDWARD LIDDELL.