28 MARCH 1885, Page 14



am right glad to see Mr. Portal's letter admitted into your paper. To make a monetary qualification necessary in a constituency like the University is unjust. Many men on taking their degree can ill afford to compound or to leave their cautionmoney (225) and pay an annual sum in addition. It is a serious tax just when support is being withdrawn. Thirty years ago we paid quite enough to the College to free us from further payment when non-resident. The connection between Colleges and their older members should be drawn closer and made easier. Does not the University of London allow her graduate members a vote on payment annually of 5s. ? Why cannot Oxford do the same ? it cannot be her poverty. The degree ought to be the qualification, not the power of losing the use of 250. It is the political vote we seek, not interference with the management of the University, which may better be left to the actual residents and workers at Oxford.

I have written many letters on this subject, but it has never before found any advocate but myself. Hoping something may be done now,—I am, Sir, &c.,

Church Bectory,March 21st, 1885. Tiros. F. COLLINS, M.A.