The members of the Belgian Congress are still busied, after
their good old fashion, some in milking the bull, and others in holding the pail. A twenty-second protocol has been submitted to them by the Allies, whieh we are told will be the last—by how many ? General CHASSEE has threatened the citizens at Antwerp with a bombardment unless they behave better ; and many of the fami- lies of that town, who are fonder of peace than of patriotism, have retired to Bergen-op-zoom. One of the Antwerp journals gives the following as the terms on which Prince LEOPOLD has offered to assume the reins of government.
"First, that Belgium shall remain as she was in 1790. Second, that King William shall be indemnified for the loss of Luxembourg. Third, Maestricht to remain a Prusso-Austrian town. Fourth, the King shall be equally indemnified for the loss of Lemburg, which to remain to us. Fifth, the debt shall remain fixed as in the preceding protocol."
On these terms it seems now admitted that his Highness would consent to King it. We hope the Belgians will come into them. They require rest, and have well laboured for it.