The news from Warsaw comes down to the 16th, only
twelve days ago. It is of a very satisfactory tenor. General CHRZA- NOWSKI, who marched on Zamosc as soon as the disaster of DWERNICKI was known, with a view to replace that General by effecting a diversion in Volhynia, has succeeded in cutting his way through the Russian lines. He has defeated three several corps, one of which was 24,000 men strong (the Poles had only 8,000 men), and has reached Zamose, after a forced march of eighty miles, with 800 prisoners in his train. The principal action took .place on the 12th. The Poles suffered very little. From intelli- gence that had reached the supreme Government at Warsaw, it appears that on the 13th of April a severely contested action took place between the Lithuanian insurgents and the Russians, On the road between Wilna and Kowno, in which the, Russians were to- tally defeated. Austria will, it seems, detain DWERNICKI and his troops until the close of the war ! The books, as the Times has show,n, are quite explicit on the case ; but it is well known that FRANCIS does not care much about books. In Berlin, if we may credit one anecdote, the feelings of the populace are decidedly in favour of liberty. The Russian ambassador proposed to illumi- nate on the receipt of the news of Dweamcm's defeat.; but was told by the Prussian police, that if he did, his hotel might be a ruin before the morninm!
The cholera, according to the Prussian accounts, still rages in Warsaw. The attacks are, however, less frequent than at first. According tb the latest statement, between the 23d April and 5th May, the number of cases was 2,530 ; of whom 1,110 had died, and 192 recovered; the rest were still ill on the 5th.
The greatest possible enthusiasm prevails at Warsaw, and throughout Poland, among the people ; and even boys of twelve years of age have armed themselves with scythes to repel the enemies of their country. The Russians have, it is said, received lately a reinforcement in the shape of some thousands of Bashkeers. "Where the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered toge- ther." These savages come to plunder, not to fight.