28 MAY 1831, Page 11


11 IRTH S.

On the 21st instant, in Park Place, St. Joules's, the Marchioness of Wonoss zri, of a daughter. On the 26th of March, at the Government House at Cerigo, the Lady of .111r.;:r LONGLEY. R.A. President of that island, of aeon,

On the 26th inst. the Hon. Mrs. SMITH, Belgrave Street, of a son.


On the 26th April, at Ghent, SAMUEL It. ENSOR, Esq. to ER3IINTIE Sarum Mims:yrs:, daughter of John Vandermale, Esq. and niece to the Baron de Vzier and the Countess de Nieuport.

On the 12th instant, at Malvern, Crta LnS W. H. EVEREEI, son of John Evered, Esq. of Hill House, county of Somerset, to EMMA, daughter of H. Candler, Est. of Callan Castle, in the county of Kilkenny, Archdeacon of Ossory.

On the 17th inst. at St. Mary's Church, Ammon. A:vomit-SON, of Dee Bank. Aber- deenshire, Scotland, Esq. to HARRIET. only daughter of T. Rawlias, Esq. M.D. cf Baker Street, Portman Square, and of Woodview, county of Cork, Ireland.

On the 26th, at Mitcham, the Rev. CHARLES DOUGLAS BECKPORD, Fellow cC All-Soul's College, to CHARLOTTE MARIA, second daughter of the late 3. C. Mid- dleton, Esq. of Hildersham, Cambridgeshire.

On the 19th inst. at Craigends, Renfrewshire, WILLIAM BONAR, Esq. bankc.r. is Edinburgh, to Miss LILIAS CUNNINGHAME, daughter of the late J. Cunningham.% Esq. of Craigends.

On the 24th inst. at Folkingimm, Lincolnshire, the Rev. CHARLES Hon os,m, Rector of Gatton, Surry, to JANE, youngest daughter of the late Rev. B. Craciwk..


On the 23rd instant, at Crawley, Hants, in his 40th year, the Rev. II. T. DA Mil sz, eldest son of the late Mr. Justice Dampier, Rector of Crawley and Pre:, *e.L., (lazy of Ely.

On the 22nd, at Reigate, CHARLOTTE, youngest daughter of the late Rev- Whitaker, M.A. Oxon, Vicar of Pembury, in Kint. On the 26th inst. Mr. CHARLES RIVINGTON, of Waterloo Place and Brunswick Square, in his 77111 year.

On the 19th of February last, in the Island of Tobago, the Hon. JOHN CHAD- BAND, one of the Members of his Majesty's Council of that Island, Senior Assists:A, Justice of the Court of Common Pleas there, and Aid.de-Camp to his Excel:Joey the Governor.

On the 25th inst. at his residence, Wheyborne House, near Farnham, the Rem GEORGE WEST, M.A. Rector of Stokemext-Guilford, Perpetual Curate of Scsle., and Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Orford, in his 64th year.