28 MAY 1831, Page 20

We have already expressed our approbation of Mr. BERNAYS . S German

Grammar : the Exercises are adapted to it, and are com- piled with similar intelligence. There now only wants the Key, to render this set of German grammatical instruction complete. Every set of exercises ought to be accompanied with a key ; for it is by a solitary and incessant comparison of trial with truth, that any mastery is to be attained over language. Exercises ought to be repeated much oftener than is usual ; and, after complete cor- rectness is obtained, the passages exercised upon ought to be committed to memory, and so much of the system of JACOTOT troduced, that no exercise should be allowed to be proceeded in until all previous ones are thoroughly fixed in the memory, and. can be quoted by the student without a moment's hesitation. This may retard apparent progress, but it greatly increases actual success.