The farmers begin to perceive that the endeavour of certain
persons to raise the price of grain would not better the farmer's condition if the parties were to succeed, as landlords would raise the rent accord- lately. As a prof of this, the late rise in the price of grain has been of no advantage whatever to molly persons; for many landlords, who returned 10 per cent. on their rent to the tenant, have since declined, at their audits, to make any abatement whatever, so that the landlords aaltme have benefited by the late advance in the price of corn. —Ilerlford Re:limner.
The shipments to the United States: have been most extensive the last six weeks. They exceed those usefully made in the spring for America ; and they are increasing, insteed of diminishing, as the season advances. The weekly packet-ships cannot take a (patter of the goods offering, severol of the latest having been compelled to refuse merchan. di-e a week before sating. Transient ships are in great request, and freights have risen ; still the goods are delayed, from the want of suit- able convevancee, the American ships receiving the decided prefer- ence.—Liverpool Albion.