Vie Country.
Mr. Conyers, a Tory, is talked of as a candidate for South Essex, • in opoesition to Mr. Palmer, who is also a Tory, and proclaim.; his attaeletient toChurch and State. Mr. Branfill sten& on the Liberal side. Tile nomination will take place on Thursday, at Chelmsford.
Tile Members of the Lincoln Conservative Society dined together Ott Thersday week ; Colonel Sibthorpe in the chair. The proceedings
limiter to have been remarkably dull ; the e pany being too well• bred tu I melt at their Chairman, who was the principal orator. Time Ipswich Reformers are about to give Mr. O'Connell a public ditmer.—very much to the annoyance of the Tories; who have got up a 'merest against being supposed to be participators in bringing such run "Indelible disgrace" upon their pure borough. Among the signers of this protest, we observe Mr. Frederick O'Malley and Mr. John E. Sean-ewe, with whose names the public is familiar; but where are those of Robert Bury Dasent and Arthur Butt Cooke? Surely they are *Hewett the use of pen and ink, ite their place of durance? The friends and admirers of the late Sir William Cosway purpose
neweitte at Bilsington on the 6th June, to inspect the obelisk lately erected to his memory, and to celebrate the anniversary of its founda. tiott. A dinner will be provided on time otwasi lllll and we anticipate a stem,. muster of the East Kent Reformers. No better ottcasion can present itself of doing honaur to the memory of that worthy ail
lamented gentleman, whose loss to the good cause is wore and more felt and deplored in our Tory-ridden county.—Kent Herald.
We perceive by the country papers, that meetings have beep or are about to be held at Rochester, Taunton, Bath, Exeter, Selby, Bury St. Edmund's and other places, in consequence of the rejecoon by the Peers of the Irish Municipal
The Municipal Councillors of Carmarthen having applied by letter to Lord John Russell to know the amount of salary that should be fixed for the Recorder, received an answer that it should be from 50/. to 80/. per annum.