28 MAY 1842, Page 11


On the 19th May, at Boyle. near Burnley, the Lady of the Rev. ROBERT Monza' Mazrza, of a daughter. On the 142.1. in Belgrave Equate, the Wife of the Right lion. HENRY Learnicusas, H. P.. of a daughter. On the 23d, at Barmen, Somerset, the Ludy of HUMMED FITZWILLIAM WAY, of a son. Ou the 24th, in St. James's Place, the Wife of WILmau Carers, Esq. M.P., of a daughter. On the 24th, in St. James's Place, Lady Lartmoot. of a son. On the 24th, at Kempsten Vicarage, Bedford, the With of the Rev. Hauer Ciarrrza. BUCK, of a daughteroaill-horn. Ou the 24M, at the Rectory, Hurstporpaint, Sussex, the Lady of the Rev. GAUT! HAMPTON Borman, of a daughter. Oa the 26th. at North Ommedun Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. RICHARD Ceorr, of son. In South Strem, Park Laue, the Lady KILMAINE, of a daughter.


On the 11th November last, at St. James's Church, Melbourne. Port Phillip, Rommt SEARLES 'MAITLAND, Esq.. third son of Joseph Maitland, Esq.. of the East ludia House, to EMMA. youugest daughter of the tate .1..hu 'Frisker. Esq.. of Stratford-on-Avon. On the lot May. at Christchurch, TliuMAs WYNDHAM. Esq., only son ot the Rev. Dr. Wyndham. of Hutton, New Forest, to ANNIE ELIZABETH, daughter Of Captain NU- rudoocko, Forsaker Guards, of Wier:Mon. Hants. On the 23d, at Thame. Oxfordshire, 111e Rev. RHIN STAMER, eldest son of Perce &ernes.. Esq., of Ivy Lodge. Clare. Ireland, to JANE. youngest daughter of the late Edward -Pay ue, Esq.. of Lsurldelte, Theme. On the 24th, at St. John's, Paddiugton, JOHN STANIFORTH Bscurrr, Beg.. .late of Barnesley. Yorkshire. to GERTRUDE ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the late Sir Witliam Howe Muleturter,ILN., K.C.H.. K.T.S., and C.B. On the 24th, at the Collegiate Church or Suuthwell. the Rev. Crixer.rs RAMSAY FLINT, R. elm of Bilsthurpe, to FRANCES, eldest daughter of the Rev. B. H. Fowler; Miuur Canon of Southweit, aud Vicar of Kedleston.

On the 2401. at Site house of James Madden, Esq., -of .Peraley, James inunernuat &tome, social Gavin Madden, Esq. of Union (how. to ELISABITH V mum's. eldest

daughter of Colonel Lindsay, of Halbeath, latent' the Seventy-eighth Highlanders.


On the 3,1 May, at St. Petersburg, Sir Roamer Kra Powers; in his 63d ;ear. Oct tile 7th, at Boulogue-sur-Mer. RICHARD RILEY. Esq., late of the Admiralty. On the lath. at Worthing. JEREMIAH GLADWIN CLAWED. Esq., M.D.; in his49th year. Oo •the 18th. at Cappopte House, couuty of Waterford, Lady KEANE, Wile of Sis Richant Keane, Bart. (Mike lath. at Farnborough. Cummts C. SAXON, eldest surviviug son of the late Colonel George Sartori. of the Madras Artillery', in his 33..1 year. On the .18th. at his resideuce, sae. Staffordshire, Merresw RUBINSON IkUlatago Req.; in his 72d year.