Lord Ellenborough on Thursday night called attention to the re-
quisitions now being enforced in Jutland, the interference with commerce, and the exaction of extravagant rations without pay- ment, breaches of faith which constituted an "offence against all the contracting Powers." He "could not conceal from himself that an impression prevailed in Germany that, do what we pleased and say what we might, it was not our intention in any case to lift an arm in prevention of German wrong-doing." Earl Russell in reply declared that orders had been sent from Berlin to stop these requisitions, but he expected fuller and more authentic in- formation from the Danish Government. The fact appears to be that the Prussian Government intended to violate the armistice and keep on plundering the Jutlanders, but perceiving the fer- ment the spoliation created in Western Europe, they issued orders to discontinue the practice. On May 21, days after the armistice, the Prussian seals were still on Danish warehouses in Randers.