28 MAY 1864, Page 2

Lord Clarence Paget moved on Thursday night that an addi-

tion should be made to the pay of the officers of the Navy. Flag officers commanding on foreign stations are to have an increase of 547/. 10s. a year, other flag officers abroad 3651., post-captains from 53/. to 162/., commanders from 531. to 86/., and lieutenants in command from 27/. to 50/. A new class of warrant officers is to be created, including twelve chief gunners, twelve chief boat- swains, and twelve chief carpenters, and they will receive 161/. a year each, while the allowances of other grades, such as paymasters, instructors, &c., will be slightly increased, the total cost being 56,000/. a year. The naval men in the Heim did not seem to think much of the boon, and the service will doubtless grumble just as hard as ever. A scheme enabling sailors to rise like all other human beings would be twice as popular, and a little more justice in promotion have conciliated officers quite as much. The only substantial addition is to the pay of the flag officers, and what is the use of that when it is only influential members' third cousins who rise quickly?