Hook's Church Dictionary. Fourteenth Edition. Edited by Walter Hook, M.A.,
and W. R. W. Stephens, M.A. (John Murray.)—The editors, assisted by a number of contributors, among whom may be mentioned Canon Bright, Mr. Evan Daniel, Chancellor Espin, Lord Grimthorpe, Dr. Medea; and the Rev. Sir F. A. G. Oueeley, have remodelled this standard work, bringing it up to the requirements of the present time. The changes effected have been very considerable, and the result, as far as we have been able to test it, satisfactory. The articles, for instance, on " Confession," " Fasting Communion," as typical of a class of controversial subjects, are reasonable and moderate. The editors' labour deserves to succeed in attaining their object of keeping this book, a book always highly valued, in its proper place as a standard work of reference.