The .Nordenfeldt,' submarine steamboat, has been finished and transferred to
Southampton Water. She is built of thick steel, is 120 ft. long by 12 ft. at the broadest part, and has a displacement of 250 tons. On the water she makes seventeen knots, and when sunk, by the admission of water into great tanks, she will easily do four, but can be brought up to a numb higher speed. She is driven under water, with fires out, by accumulated steam, and her crew, nine in number, breathe the air contained in the boat itself, which, when she is submerged, will suffice for some hours. She carries four torpedoes, and when her work is done, a discharge of water from the tanks brings her to the sur- face. Mr. Nordenfeldt believes that his boat will be no toy, but a formidable engine of war, and it certainly possesses the advan- tage that no special machinery is needed for the supply of air.