All the official books and papers were lost in the
fire. No sooner had the raiders imprisoned the officials in the central hall than they set to work throwing petrol and lighting it throughout the building. The place was already "well alight," as the firemen say, when the auxiliary police arrived in two lorries. They were at once attacked with bombs and revolvers. The auxiliary police responded with machine guns as well as with rifles. The imprisoned officials were allowed to leave the building before they were overtaken by the flames. Beresford Place was swept by bullets, and many passers-by who were caught unawares on both sides of the river were compelled to he flat in the streets until the firing slackened. The Sinn Feiners simultaneously with raiding the Customs House held up the Central Fire Station, so that there was considerable delay in responding to the fire calls. Several of the raiders were shot down as they rushed out of the burning building. Others made Ilicnals of surrender and were taken prisoners. Others, again,
were probably burned to death in the Customs House. About 100 persons in civilian clothes, presumed to be Sinn Feiners, were arrested.