The Polish Government appealed last week to President
Harding-to influence' the favour of the Poles in Upper Silesia, insinuating that the Allies were moved less by " prince plea of justice" than by their material. interests. Mr. Hughes, on behalf of the President, declined to take any part in the dispute as it was a matter. of European concern. The French Press, annoyed by Mt. Lloyd- George's manifesto, commented somewhat tartly on his supposed preference for Germans as against Pelee The French Government expressed concern at the alleged concentration of German troops on the Silesian frontier for the purpose of suppressing the Polish insurrection, and at Germany's action in stopping the importation of' food Into the province. On Monday, German forces—nominally
volunteers, but actually veteran troops under old regular officers—attacked the Poles and quickly drove them away from the Oder bridges. R. war this movement which led M. Briand to address a sharp warning to Germany—a warning which our Ambassador in. Berlin reinforced-. On Tuesday it was announced that four British battalions from the Rhine would go to Upper Silesia. The skirmishing between Poles and Germans was said to have ceased.