The railwaymen'e and transport workers' executives, in the absence of
Mr.. J. H. Thomas, who is in America; last week reaffirmed their decision that' foreign coal' must not be handled at the docks or on the railways. They -professed satisfaction-at the results of their. embargo. The truth is; however, that, as with the curse of the- Archbishop of Rheiins; nobody was a penny the worse for the embargo—except some foolish men' here and-there who gave up well-paid, employment and. suffered like the jackdaw. At. Glasgow, where many dockers struck, vielunteers unloaded ships ; on Wednesday. the dockers. saw the folly of their ways. and resume work. A few railway- men have beensuspended, notably- in Glasgow arid. South. Wales, for refusing to work on coal- trains,- but the vaat, majority, ignoring their union's decrees, have adhered loyally to. their agreements with the companies. An attempt on- the part of the United Vehicle Workers' executive to cause se London. tramway strike because the power-bowie used foreign_ coal was defeated by the good sense 'of the men. A ballot, taken among them showed. so over.whelmingers .majority against n strike that the executive was afraid to. publish the. figures,. lest it should' be covered . with -