Britain and Germany The obvious détente in the relations between
this country and Germany has various causes. Whatever they may be, they are certainly to be welcomed. Personal contact between Field Marshal von Blomberg, Germany's Coronation repre- sentative, and Mr. Eden was undoubtedly beneficial, and Germany's growing disinclination to persist in her Spanish adventure is an important factor. At any rate the idea of any intention to circumscribe or encircle Germany must have been finally dispelled. There is no region where the interests of Great Britain and Germany clash, unless it is in the matter of colonies, and there is room for financial and economic co-operation for Germany's benefit if it were found expedient. It would only be expedient provided it did not serve directly or indirectly to further German armament expansion, which means that the essential condition of an understanding between the two countries is some agreement for armament limitation. Since Herr Ilider has more than once proposed that himself, and Signor Mussolini, eating a few thousand of his recent words without' a sign of indigestion, has now pronounced in favour of the idea, new possibilities seem to be opened up. In Germany's case there is one more proviso. Specific assurances against any form of aggression in Czecho- slovakia must be given. An Anglo-German or Anglo- Franco-Gerrnan understanding on this basis would secure European peace.