27 MAY 1943, Page 11


THAT day in the city there were banners slung Across the streets, from balconies and chimneys, Swinging in the wind like smoke, and telegraph poles Were hung with geraniums ; military bands Marched down the thoroughfares and bugles rang Against the plate-glass frontages. And in that night There were fireworks in the public parks at twilight,

Laburnums of flame that flowered and fell through the air,

And high on the hill the palace windows blazed Like the shell of a house on fire. And in that night The uniforms moved along the lobbies, gold and scarlet, Gold and blue, and shoulders were sugared with jewels Under the hanging icicles of chandeliers.

They poured the yellow wine in the grey silver, The red in the yellow gold, and plates were piled With quails and nightingales and passion fruit, And the air was a fume of music. And in that night The King sat above his court, speaking to none, Small and grotesque there in a high-backed chair, His hands gripping the carved griffins, his eyes Like halves of hard-boiled eggs He stared at the wall, At the bare plaster above the footmen's heads.

The music-and laughter ceased, the people were silent, They put down their forks and raised no cup to the mouth, But turned and stared at the wall wher.: the King was staring.

And there was nothing on the wall, at all.