SIR,—Out of kindness one tends nowadays to overlook the exaggerated language of journalist art critics. But, in fairness both to your readers and to Mr. Henry Moore, I think that Mr. Middleton should explain his fantastic statement that "Moore is the Michelangelo of our time." Michelangelo, apart from being a great original genius in sculp- ture, was a magnificent draughtsman ; his poems are certainly not neg- ligible; as a painter, he has to his credit both The Last 7udgment and the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, one of the most gigantic and inspiring decorative schemes in the history of art ; as an architect, his name honours both the dome of St. Peter's and the Biblioteca Laurenziana ; nor must I forget the tombs of the Medici and of Pope Julius a Mr. Moore, apart from his sculptural activities, the value of which is still doubtful to say the least, has, I believe, designed some dress fabrics.—I am, Sir, yours