Locking the Stable Door
German rearmament has been classed with teetotalism and pacifism by the national executive of the Labour Party. S° Bevanites and others opposed to the party line on this great issue can slip through the escape hatch and dodge the discipline somewhat ambiguously promised in last week's resolution that "decisions arrived at by a majority vote are binding upon tbe, national executive committee." It may, and it will, be argue° that this should not be interpreted as a victory for Mr. Bevan and his associates, for the issue of German rearmament 1, not the exclusive concern of Bevanites. But how else can it be taken by the country, with Mr. Bevan riding this handl' hobby-horse as hard as he can At all events, it is a defell; for the leadership of the party. Whether this will be reverse°, by the intensive official propaganda campaign in favour .01, German rearmament to be held throughout the country remain' to be seen. At the moment it looks as though Mr. Bevan On his hobby-horse will be one jump ahead all round the course; It is anybody's guess who will finish first at the annun' conference.