The Records of Captain Clapperton's last Expedition to Africa, by Richard Lander, his faithful Attendant, and the only surviving Member of the Expedition, With the sub- sequent Adventures of the Author, are nearly ready for publication-The Rivals, a new Novel, by the Author of " The Collegians," will, it is understood, be ready for pub- lication early in December-Captain Dillon's Voyages in Search of the Wreck of La Perouse are also nearly ready-Mr. Buckingham, who has been continuing his course of lectures on Eastern Affairs with much holed in various places, has announced his in- tention of converting his Oriental Herald into an Oriental Quarterly Review, com- mencing with the New Year-Messrs. Westley and Davis announce for publication, early in the ensuing year, an edition of the Old Testament according to the old esta- blished version, with the exception of the substitution of the original Hebrew names In place of the English words Lord and God; and of a few corrections thereby rendered necessary ; with Notes by the Editor-Mr. John H. Brady, late of the Legacy Duty Office at Somerset House, and Author of " Plain Instructions to Executors,"&e. an- nounces the Executor's Account Book ; the design of which is to enable executors under any estate to keep their own accounts with precisiop and accuracy-Count Khvostuff Is publishing, at St. Petersburg, a complete edition of his poetical works, in six volumes, three of which have already appeared-Hours of Devotion, for the Promotion of True Christianity and Family Worship : translated from the original German.-Patrons Eccle- siarum ; or a List (with Indexes), Alphabetically arranged, of all the Patrons of Digni- ties, Rectories, &c. of the Church of England and Ireland.-The Etymological Spelling- Book, by Henry Butler, author of Gradations In Reading and Spelling.-Inductive Grammar, by an Experienced Teacher.-A View of the Scripture Revelations concern- ing a Future State, laid before his Parishioners, by a Country Pastor.-Evening Amuse- ments, or the Beauties of the Heavens Displayed, for the Year 1830.-The Olive Branch, a Religious Annual, for 1830, in Prose and Verse; with a portrait of the Rev. R. Gordon. -No. IV. of the Domestic Gardener's Manual, and English Botanist's Companion.-A new edition of Smart's Horace, the English translation corrected and improved.-A Treatise on Atmospheric Electricity, by John Murray, F.S.H.-Reflections on Insanity and its rapid progress amongst all Classes in Britain, considered in a Legal and Medical Point of View, by Charles Dunne, Esq. surgeon.-A Dissertation on Anatomy, Physi- ology, and Pathology, by II. W. Dewhurst, Esq. surgeon, &a.-13y the same author, a Series of Engravings of the Human Bones and Muscles, for the use of Artists and Stu- dents ; an Essay on the minute Anatomy and Physiology of the Organs of Vision In Man and Animals; and a Series of Coloured Engravings of the Horse's Foot.
Arnott's Physics, Vol. 2, Part I. 8vo. 10s. 6d. bds. ; Vol. 1. fourth edition, 8vo. II. Is. bds.-Clarke on the Teeth, second edition, Svo. 7s. bds.-Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns, 3 vols. post 8vo.11. 7s. bds.-M'Crie's Reformation in Spain, Svo. 10s. 6d. bds.-Bardsley's Hospital Facts, Svo. 7s. 6d. bds.-Carstair's Scottish Communion Ser- vice, 12mo. 5s. 6d. bds.-A Glance at Paris, 12mo. 6s. bds.-Oliver Cromwell, a Poem, 12mo.6s. bds.-Bolivar's Memoirs, 2 vols. post 8vo. U. Is. bds.-Tales of an Indian Camp, 1 8vo. 1/. Ils. 6d. bds.-Shaw's Constable's Guide, 12mo. 48. bds.- Maul's Child's Study of the Scriptures, 2 vols. 18:no. 6s. bds.-Rhind's Studies in Na- tural History,12mo. 6s. bds.-Guest on Historical Painting, Bye. 5s. bds.-Price's Law Book-keeping, Svo. 9s. bds.-Bakewell's Mineralogy, 12mo. 78. ; coloured, 8s. bds.