28 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 2


STOCK EXCHANGE, SATURDAY MORNING.—This has been one of the most busy weeks in the Stock Exchange witnessed for several months ; and the 'fluctuations have been of a marked and important character.

On Monday, Consols, which on Saturday closed at 92+, opened for Money at 92i, and for the Account at 92i. An immediate rise took place. On Tuesday, the Money Stock had risen to 93; and after fluctuating between 92, 921, 93, and 93%, they rose yesterday to 944 for Money, and 94; for the Account, with a very firm market.

Yesterday svas-the pay-day for the Account ; and considering the fluctu.;

anions which had taken place, some defalcations were to he expected. Such, however, was not the result. The operations had been chiefly confined to the large jobbers, who were able to pay their differences ; and there was a readi- ness on the part of others to advance money on Stock, which has scarcely ever been exceeded. There is no doubt that Mr. Rothschild was a large purchaser. This gen- tleman declares that he anticipates a further rise ; and an eminent broker, who arrived by the last packet from Hamburg, states that a similar hnpres- slot) prevailed in the Stock Exchange of that city. These gentlemen seem to attribute the rise to three causes,—natnely, the tranquillity of Europe ; the difficulty of embarking capital with advantage in commercial operations ; and a belief that some financial operatians, calculated to raise the price of the Funds, are contemplated by our Government.

The India Bonds and Exchequer Bills have not risen with Consols. The price of the former yesterday was 60 to CS, and of the latter ftP• to 69. Con- siderable business has been done in the New Annuities, it being found that the profit on commission was about 21 per cent.

. The Reduced 3 per Cents closed yesterday at 931, ; the :q per Cents at 100; the 4 per Cents at 1031; and the 4 per Cents of 1926 at 101;.

In the Foreign Market there has been considerable business, and many of the Stocks have risen. The price of Brazilian yesterday was 07 ; Danish 74:1; French 5 per Cents 101, at an Exchange of 25-75; Greek 28; Portuguese 501 ; Russian 1011' after having been at 109{ ; Spanish Ilia In the Share Market, business was done yesterday on the following terms : —Alliance Fire and Life insurance, per share, 106 ; Marine 52 ; Anglo- Mexi- can 2-1; Imperial Brazilian 70; National 10 ; Bolanos 367.4; Real del Monte 671. ONE o'ci.ock.—The English Money Market remains very tiroa, Consols are now 94 i for Money, after haKing l eel) done at 1)3 4. In the Foreign Market there is very little doing. littremen FUNDS. Chilian, 6 per Cent. 24 26

Dank Stock, 215 !i6 • Colombian,

S per Cent. Reduced, 93 N Ditto; 1524, 6 per Cent. 201 t• Cent. Consols, 94 g 4 Danish, 3 per Cent. 74i 5

per Cent. 1818, French 5 per Cents. 1081 1094 :;, per Cent. Reduced, 055 7 Ditto 3 per Cents. 8-it

Nen, !per Cents. 1822, las: 4 per Cents. 1.8:26, 105 Zi 6 1 Mexican, 6 per Cent. 22 4 laum Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. Neapolitan,. per Cent.

ISO) Peruvian, 6 per Cent. 151

India Stock, die. 101 per Cent. 2251 64 Portuguese, 5 per Cent.501 1

8uuth Sea Stock, div. 81 per Cent. Prussian, India Bonds, (4 per Cent. until March, Russian, 1094

1529. thereafter 3 per Cent.) 66 6.4 Spanish, 11 Exchequer 13i110, (interest 22. per cent. stiAnES.

per diem.) 68 Anttlo-Mexican, 2-ti.

Consols fat Account 04 11 I Brazilian, Imperial, 691. 711. Fonniox FuNDS. Real del Monte, 701.

Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Bolanug, 3641. 3i,t1. Bands, 5 per cent. 67 4 Colombian, 41. 10s. 51.

Raenos Ayres, 6 per Cent. 25 27 'United Mexican, 151..15/. 10s.

Greek 5 per Cent. 284