28 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 10


STOCK Ems:ANUS, Fltirmv Arritatotosr.

The pie at haS :OM a avei ia of painful excitement. In addition to the failure of Ile bankibg-hbuse and CP., of which we give particulars below,. re; tuts efmantime dil.;::Itrs have been rife. It at as genet ally believed that the At, Suet pen stemm,1.1p was lut, and as much as 70 pelotas per cent.

was given to ii cute lar at ; but the alarm on let' aucount has since been happily dieiptated I y the sale arrival of the vessel. The report of her loss origmated in the chturnstance of a box of' psocrs known to have been on board of her having laen pick( tel up near the North Foreland ; and it was thence inferred that the steamer bad gone to pieces on the Goodwin Sands, in the night. The non -arrival of the President American steam-packet has been also a subject of on.xions doubt and speculation. The alarm has, however, in a great degree subsided ; and though 10 guineas per cent. was given to insure at Lloyd's on Tueedey and 'Wednesday, we have not heard of any thing being done upon her since. Tile operation of Money purchm,cs has produced a favourable effect upon the Funds ; and the prices beve bczotising during the whole week. The speculators for the rise lime been emboldened by the hallowing votive from the Bank of England ; by w lt:ch it ii ill he seen that the Directors will make advances upon Exchequer Bills and India Bonds. " Bank or England, 20th 'Sown-titer 18:0.

The (ovine nod Company :tie i cute, until tiller teemve

'nuns fcr bee, tq.t. the don sit ot proved hills of exehouge havitt;• mote limit

six months t, tun, Exehequm ;,;oi Ea-t Lona 15,t,ds oil cells in iot repoitt ou

or before the January nem, with interest at the tate of S per cent, per annum, and to he for stuns of net less than 2,0051. cacti,"

The settlement Of the Cousol Account took place yesterday; when, from the scarcity of Money Stock, a rise of t, per cent. occurred ; and at one period, while the price of Stuck for immediate delivery was 90:4, there avere sellers for the next day at 90k. A very large amount of Stock was taken out of the market by the Bank of England. at least was tratist'erred bit it the names of the Bank Brokers, ott account (it is believed) of their principab,. This circumstance has caused considerable remark, and is not to be accounted for 1111011 any of the known principles that are supposed to govern the proceedings of a large honk- ing establishment, unless NI e tO tp 0,0 that the Directors are anxious to odd a monopoly of stoeLjobbing to the many others they now enjoy. The fluctuation in Colts 1, durieg the pest Account has exceeded 3 per cent. The Three-oral-a-half per Cent Stock, are almost as scarce as Consuls; aud but for the relief afforded by the sale of 40,000 Three-and a-bait per Cents. 1818 yes- terday afternoon, it naiad !dive been almost impossible to settle the Account in these Stocks : to. char, how ever, the high price has brought in Money Stock ; the supply is greater, and prices: generally have gone dot+ it about per cent. India Bonds are quoted at 17 dit...; and Exchequer Bills are without material variation. India Stock has advanced to 243, but Batik Steele has declined, and has to-day been quoted at 17t,,t„ but lastly at 1591. The old-established banking- house of Woman. and Co., of Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, suspended its payments on Monday morning. 'lids event did not surprise those who have for some time past watched the proceedings of the establishment, or rather of its managiog partner, Mr. Joins WnianT. Scarcely a joint-company has been brought before the public lately with which that gentleman has not been in some way or other connected ; and so large an amount of capital has thus been withdrawn from the legitimate business of the establishment, that it has found itself without sufficient funds to meet the calls that in the altered circumstances of the Money-market and the increased value of capital have been made upon it. Mr. NV Ma FIT has, in a circular to his friends and constituents, given the above reasons Mr the failure of the esta- blishment. The connexions of the late banking-house were chit fly among the wealthy Catholic landholders ; some of whem, it is understood, have suffered severely ; but the failure has produced little effect in the City, as its strictly commercial transactions were unimportant. Ds liabilities are stated at front 800,000/. to 1,000,000/. In this early stage, no opinion can be formed as to the realization of the assets, but we are informed that claims have beeri offered for sale at is. 6d. in the pound. The great improvement ha the English Funds has not effected the Foreign Funds materially : all the dividend-paying European Stocks are, however, at an advance upon our last prices, and in dernard, without much business of im- portance. Be lgian Scrip has been slowly impro‘ iog ; and the few bargains that have occurred in it have been at an improvement of to per cent. upon owe- last quotations, the price to-day being* to 1 premium. Mexican Stock is also rising, and has been as high as 304, but is rather lower to-day.

The South American Securities are without any material varia toll, prices being nearly the same as last 'week. There is evidently a disposition for specu- lation in these commodities, but it is kept in check by the high rule of interest for money ; per cent, being currently given upou the best descriptions of Foreign Funds, while a much higher rate is obtained upon the less worthy varieties.

By the Alert packet, we have received advices from .ftio Janeiro to the 26th September. The exchange was then at 30 to 30*, mid the Local Six per Cent. Stock at 74 An advance of 2 per cent. took place in the latter previous to the sailing of the packet, in consequence of the departure hy her of M. MIES- TEZultiA, the Brazilian Minister, with a view to TOWN; a luan in this country, which it was believed at Rio Janeiro he at ould do on favoutulde terms. The change that Las lately occurred in the value of money here will, however, render the negotiation of the sum required-1,000,00UL sterling—a difficult task. A sale of 20,000 Brazilian has becn effected at 74, within the last few days. This Stock was the property of a geoiliman lately deceased, who pur. chased it about ten years ago at 50, and thus etijoyed 10 per cent. interest for the whole time, while his heirs receive a profit of 48 per cent. upon the original capital invested. Spuds!' Active Stock has experienced a serious decline, and has fallen from 234 to 22P, ; the conjunction of two such malignant stars as Louts romPrilt and QUCell CHRISTINA being regarded with distrust. Reports were prevalent of an innoediate and armed intervention by France in the affairs of the Peninsula, and hence the panic among the speculators. More recent advice's from Paris, however, assert that these rumours are without foundation, and the Stock huts coosequently risen to the whole extent of the late fall, dosing tide afternoon at 24 to Perhaps we should he nearer the mark if we referred this improvement to the intended martiage of the Duke DE AI ONTPENSIERp fourth son of Lours Purnirrn, with the young Queen of Spain, which to-day's accounts are said to eellfirIll.

SATutirtor. TWEINE o'Ci,ncit.

'We have great pleasure in announcing the arrival of the Presiefint. She left; New York on the 2d instant, and as ace surmised, put back no the Oil,, having been forced to a lavish expenditure of' coals in endeavouriog to make way against a continued gale from North-east ; after replenis.bing her fuel, she finally left New York on the 11th, and performed the voyage in seventeen days, having readied Liverpool yesterday. The intelligence brought by her is satisfactory. Stocks and Bunk Shares were era the rise, the almost certainty of the election of General II ARIUSON (s010 is a paper-money num) to the Presideocy having given fresh vigour to the speculators. Some of the Southern Banks were, how- ever, pseparilig the elements of a new money-ctisis, by nelvanciog money on cotton. The Eoglish Funds are advanciog: Consols are 90i1 -.1 for Money and COL 91 for Account. Money is much more abundaut, and Exchequer Bills are higher, being quoted at 7s. premium. All the Foreign Funds ate firmer, with- out much busincis. Spanish Active have been at 24* and 24 ; and afteg luehig at 24b are now 24 24, and 24 to h for 16th December.

l'..! per Cent. Ditto 97+ Dutch 21 I er Cents 52.1 New 5,4 ver Cmits. III 1 Mexican 5 per Cents. Consd, 201