28 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 10


On the 25111 inst., in euter lb-rkeloy Street. Millman Square, the lady of II. L.

STver:mAs 1.t: Si RANGE, of flutist:noon Ilan, I.:battik, of a sou aml heir.

On the 8.11 inst., at GLureck Ileum:: Renfrew shire, the Lady ur GEVIIOE RAINY, Esq., Of a tioughter. On the 2Ist inst., at Shale lIedinghatu, Essex, the Lady of the Hey. CHARLES BUa. fere, or a son.

011 the 16th inst., at the Treaturer's residence, Christ's Hospital, Mrs. I. 'Wilts FattixD, of Woltunt Simtire, of it dalighter.

On the 2(1th its :It St. Oeorge's, Ilamwer Square. :It mix SiNlIOr‘t, Esq., oldest son of

Sir 10elial■I Sitacon, Ilait., 1)1' Swainstun, Isle or Wt;ilit, au 1As Ileum, only daughter or the hnte Sit Fri... tick I'raucis Eaker, Bait., 1.f Loventor. Devon.

On the 2-1th it.st.. at WatVottl. buu IlerthrtIshito. Is the 1). Willaunte, Reeler of Chili, it Calitlever. it Ilaillushire, the lies, mkt al Fellow of Burton

College. Os.h id, to CA FIIANect, Cutest Oate_Iller o the late Et holt Lithin, Esq. Ou the 15th inst., at Si, Mary's, Mnyleholle, ItoNANiV, t,illy sun of Ilona my Dubree, E,A., of Great Cumbei lot-tb Sit eel, Ilvde 1'ark, tu Emm , fourth datiliter 01 Nathaniel

Snell Esq.. of thy anstone :ignore, awl Little Mundell, Dells.

Ott the 2311 inst.. at Shut mete Church. EDMUND Low. E.,(1., Rifle Brigade,- son of the lieut. eltarles Ewan Law, M.P., to Lady Et.EAs:on CEen. llowAno, dsughter of the Ball of Wicklow. On the 21st hist., at St. John's Church, Paildittgho, JASI,Eit PYNK, Esq., of IIallyvo• hue, Cork, mut or Conlon') Ilan, Essex, to Bronx. eldest daughter el' the late John Maxfield, Laq., formerly of Compton Terrace, Islington.

On the 26th inst., at St. Rotelph's Church, Aldersgate, AUGCSTE LE CIOUES, Esq., of the Chfiteau de Bondy, near Parts, to MAHN JANE KEBLE, only surviving daughter of the late Robert Saunders, Esc,., of Southend. Kent.

On the 28th June, at the New Zealand Company's Principal Settlement, Wellington, Vert Nicholson, by the Rev. J. F. Churton. Jams. son of Mr. Taine, of Greenwich, to Lfficama, eldest daughter of Senor Jodo Slums de Oliveira, of Lisbuu.


On the 23d inst., in Piccadilly, Lieut.-Col. JOHN ClIATGIE, of the Bengal Army. On the 24th inst., at Lex(len Park oe.ir Colchester, in his 65th year, JOHN FLETCHER MILLS. Esq.. one of her MWesty's in.:lbws of the Peace, and Deputy-Lientettant, and late High Sheriff for the County of Essex. On the 20th inst., at the Chapterhouse, st. Paul's, in his 39th year, the Rev. Ronrwr WATTS junior, M.A., Rector of the united parishes of St. Bennett Graceelturch and St. Leonard Eastcheap.

Oct the 23d lust., in Burlington Gardens, after a protracted illness, the Lady of Colo- nel the Hon. Beery Cat•endisli.

On the 18th iest.. ct ( :onniciI. House, Renfrewshire, in her 29th year, MARGARET JaNErra Lomsx, Wire of Ge rge Rainy, Esq., and second daughter of Lieut.-Gen. Dacron, of Gettrock and Drums. On the 18th inst., in Clarence Street, Edinburgh, Miss PLAINATR, sister of the late Professor Play thin On the 21I inst., suddenly, at Abele ftreve, Epsom, the Rev. JOHN WI:LUNGS.

On the 23d inst., at lain residence, SpritOlolit Ilan, near Lancaster, IIENue HAR- GREAVES, Esq., a Deputy-Lieutenant for the County Palatine of Lancaster, and one or her MWesty's Justices of the Peace, in his :i7th year.

On the 20th inst., at his llease iii Wilet,ele t.zt reel, after two days' illness, Atm: Cwt. LON, Esq., formerly of the Royal Mil itarY C„liege, in Ws 92.1 year.