The Paris papers of Monday night published a telegraphic despatch from Toulon, announcing the capture of St. Jean d'Acre by the Allies.. brought the particulars of the attack ; which proves to have been the Accounts direct from Malta, by the Pluoinx steam-ship, have since most destructive to human life, as well as the most important in its effects, of any hitherto undertaken. The bombardment commenced on the 3d instant, and was carried on for several hours with unprecedented vigour and execution. The explosion of a powder-magazine, which. killed twelve hundred, and the havoc dune by the guns from the ship- ping, determined the Egypthme to evacuate the place in the night and on the following morning St. Jean d' Acme was :e1sen possession of in the name of the Sultan.
It seems that the garrison was summoned to surrender on the Oath October, by Admiral Walker, On 1,tat the Oorg.on steam -r. The
letter demanding the surrender -se-- :erned towpened. Admiral
Walker then consulted with Admiral : ' :,1, who had joined with the other ships of the squadron ; but I r decided on postponing operations. This deeisioa seems to le: es :SSended Admiral Walker ;
who, out of bravado, stood in with his :le • • bearii the Sultan's flag, close under the batteries, and fire :1 •: aa guns of the
fort did DOE return a sled, thoeali two tutu a. e might have opened their fire upon him. T wbearanee is •I to a feeling
of respect for the sultsa s ou the. part of' the :..s t I. . Tim fol-
lowing account of the side(' net operations 1..; taken el a second edition of the sl.faening ( ! ai yv:1(..rday. "Ott the 21 of 5oveo.1,,,. Lt: a(t..rnoon, * Robert t4top- ford, in the l'imeess harlotte, witn the . 1, :1. i.!,no. 'fliunderer,
Vesuvius, Edinburgh, Benhow, Revenge, tiorgon, 1 ''a, a.
Castor, Carysfort, Ilazard, and Wasp ; A.:: Oi ; ;
, : arriere
and the Austrian Adniii•al, Ilatoliera, in the 1.11..1. a tie, wind and a corvette of the ,Ittlie nation, o41 .1 ii bring unfavourable, the thi., a1., .1.1'1 H 1.
ing the steamers only in act. into.
the thrtifications. da-at got
tinder weigh, itiel at ma dIcretat directions; the, e destimd to
. and.
Powerful, 11,1ia.r.,;:hon, r
innuediately fullt,win4 the • ullier
angle, the I3enbuw le.1 in 1, 'at got
ahead of both; the rest of :1., .• ;ant.
1-mtiric.i and likely to do the ;zram.--, -loud in, openetl their fire upon the C-.-; d.:itle to Item her bow-guns; and - hear, the gallant Comma 1- harlotte and the action then itonishing rapidit .• • a-ion Stich a cantata:a:1o; ' the
liAleropitutC:i •41.:1:-.. ‘. ... I itlont• tired during the thva .. 1 . .1,:AJ: shuts, or one broad .itle repeated every 1.. .r pal t ,,i1 " Sir litibert Stopiard a-, ;
board the Plitto,ix Nrateh and direct
he could not do ,,, It , " At ;;I:olai 11 or carthipt..!: explosion a.. than 1..20.1 of the . ;ire of the btuttt datia,ii, to !.,.
1,:lity of the t., ttr.,1 the eii,I,;;■sures di:1k,', .Nt dad:, tin.!
setion • ter to 3.--• smoke,
tothlt of
" Among the ac,'.ret to marman... I I. It,!
sto.ier, of tire ! ' prominial.
I lastima,, tit! the 11,ihi1 • 1:1: O.:. 7! .
it of the flew over• head, eattiest tl- They seem r to i.. 11,4 the wind ‘tesiaa.le. Inill and ri;,_1;•,.; so pairs. She aId emit, v i.• a 111- t ha..a.mtim ' victory to t1,,•
11.1:ettor sail.. I, 'Ican.. %viihtli trill(
0:10 ■o: the hi1s.,
(111alltity of stores and : in the Ntarrarc along the 1,nottaato). value;
guns, in first-rate muter.
" It b; in-Ail:tined that 1: 11. a four hours. The ships 11. l'! t , I'
(lever, liellcroplion.
frigates, l'ique, Castor. -i1 T: t •• 1.1miral; 11.1/..irkl and \Vasi), tiiciIi I,,. I! " The Itelleroplion, I Zi 'in oyitie: the pri- toners teketi to lb.yrout. Anitnig the ; irisoners are several rienelt aml Italiart instructors." all r, vast entled art of s 200
I., Me- m " tinter .1 two ' • forts int1htt.