The celebrated Strathbogie e .se was again brought before the Com- mission of Assembly at their meeting in Edinburgh on Weduesbay week. A long and animated discussion took place on the gees:bet whether the libel " or indictment served on the seven so...yew:eel ministers of Strathbo„eie should be proceeded with. Mr. Duulon moved that the indictment should be sustained. Dr. Bryce moved an amend- ment, " that in respect this libel, as now raised and laid on the table of the Commission, is substantially erecting into it erloie what in ail esta- blished churches is held an imperative dm y. the Commission refuse to approve of this libel, and this mats the same." After some discussion, the amendment was proposed in another form, nwrely recommending that the libel be found irrelevant, and be distaised aceordiaLly. On a division Mr. Dunlop's motion was carried, by Ill to 15. A'galust this decision Mr. Peterkin, as agent for the Stratithogie ministers. protested, and " took instruments." It was agreed, on tin' motion of 3Er. Dunlop, to delay hearing the proof on both sides till the meeting of the Com- mission in March next.
The public dinner at Edinburgh to Mr. Adam Black took place on Wednesday. Covers were laid for seven hundred. Lord Dunte.rmline Presided, and Sir James Gibson Craig WaS the principal croupier. We may return to the speeches in our next number,