28 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 7



1839, April. The troops of' the Sultan cross the Euphrates at Bir. 1839, May. 'Mehemet All declares to the Austrian mul. Russian Consuls, charge(l with a joint message to him front their respective Courts, that. if the troops of the Sultan recrossed the Euphrates, he would order his troops to retreat also, and reeal his son to Damas- cus ; if the troops of Hatiz Pasha retired. to .11alatia, Ibrahim should be recalled to Egypt ; and if the Great l'cnors would gua • rantee peace and recognize his hereditary right to I:9M, Syria, and Galatia, he would meal the greater part of his troops from Syria. 1839, Tune 25th. The battle of Nezib, in which Hafiz Paslat',> troops are en- tirely defeated by those of Ibrahim, and their artillery taken. 1839, July 1s1. Sultan Alalimoud the Second dies, in the tifty-fourth year of his life and the thirty-first of his reign ; and is succeeded by Inc son, Abdul Medjitl, horn 20th April 1823. Khosreti is appointed Prime Minister.

1839, July 91h. A. messenger from the Capitan Pasha to :Mehemet Ali reaches Alexandria.

1839, Jay 13th. The Capitan Pasha arrives at Alexandria in his Admiral- ship : the rest of the Turkish fleet arrive on the 14th, and are de- livered up to :Mehemet Ali. 1839, July. Aleheinet Ali despatches a circular to all the Pashas of the em- pire, intimating, that Khosreff Pasha's intrigues were the cause of his troops being attacked by the Sultan's ; that on learning the ac- cession of Abdul Melijid, he (MeheMet) had ordered Ibrahim not to follow up his advantages; that on learning that Khosreff was appointed Vizier, he (.11ellemet) felt convinced tile aseendaney of that ininister must he destructive to the empire; that A linnet Caiii- tan Pasha had formed the canoe opinion, and acted upon it by keep- ing his fleet out of the power of Kliosrelf, and uniting it with the fleet of Alexandria, in order that the conjoined fleets !night he in a condition to serve the sovereign and the nation. The circular acids, that 'Mehemet All had received the Capital) Pasha with distinc- tion ; had written to khosrell Pasha, urging loin to tender his re- signation to the Sultan ; and hail at the same thin, addressed letters to the mother and aunt of the Sultan, the Sceich-td-Islant and Ilabil Pasha, and conjuri'

ter them to coilperate for the removal of Khosrelf from the administration in order to save the country. It concludes by especially exhorting each Pasha to cutteur in seeking the removal of Khosreff, in order to preserve the peace and prospe- rity of the empire.

1S39, August 81h. The six messengers of :■lelivinet Ali charged with the copies of his circular to the Pashas, addressed to the Pasha of .Sit- Italica, the Allizzir of :Nlacedonia, and oilier functionaries of Ron- India, are arrested on their urrival at Salonica, and a courier de- spatched to procure instructions relative to their fhte from Con- stantinople. 1839, August LIM. Tatars of Ilafiz Pasha bring word to Constantinople of the dissemination of 31eltetnet All's circular through tile South- eastern Asiatic provinces.

1839, August 21st. The English and Russian Ambassadors visit Khosreff Pasha, wino received a few days earlier the letter of 31ehemet Ali. The Russian Ambassador assures the Vizielf that he may calculate on the support of Russia. The same diplomatist visits Debit Pasha, and gives him the same assurance. 1839, lisps/ 251h. The Turkish steam-vessel despatched to Salonica to take possession of the emissaries of 'Mehemet Ali reported to have been arrested there, retort's without them.

1839, September. The Pasha of Tripoli (in Barbary) rerlISeS to receive the messenger of 'Mehemet Ali, and sends to 'Constantinople mm request for aid in troops and money. Insurrections among the peasantry of Trijmli and the Arab tribes of Bengazi are attributed to the Pa-Int's refusal to reeeive the Egyptian 1110eitger. 1839, Sep/confer 27th. The correspondent of the Poctofoolio ..1/if/tese writes from Constantioople—" Frequent councils are held regarding Egyp- tian matters. Nut withstanding the state of affairs, rendering the very eNistence uf the Ottoman empire precarious, demands a per- fect union among the members of the Divan, they seem to he con- tinually engrossed with personal (panels, and changes are daily made among the ollichtb,, on the sole ground Id. vii 's' or persoi;;11 favour." I fe then preeeeds to notice a parral reconstruction of the Ottoman 'Ministry—the third since the aseension nt Abdul Mcdjid, Ile narrates the following incident as having occurred on the 17th- " 'Die Ambassadors of Prance, Austria, Russia, and Prussia, met at the residence of' Lord Ponsonhy, and had a long conference. The discussion wtts terminated by a strikitig action of Lord Poilsonby : lifting one of the candles which stool on the table, and blowing it out, Inc said to ltis collea0ttes, the general interest of Europe re- qttired that the power of '31chemet Ali Atould be extinguished like that candle."

1839, October. Disturbances in Albania : an emissary despatched to f.'on- stantinople by the malecontents to request the recal of Mustafa Pasha.

1839, October 17111. Fresh change, in the Divan. 1839, November Promulgation of the Ilatti Sherif of G ttl-Khaneh. This document declares, that " The imperial institutions ought to aim principally at the ilttainment of three objects,—first, ii ,afford to all subjects a guarantee of perfect security in thrir lives. honours, :mil fortunes ; second, to establish a regular system of imposing and levy- ing taxeq ; I bird, to establish a regular system fir rrerait ing the army, and fixing the term for which a soldier ought to s, I've.- A promise is given that the Imperial Councils will immediately proceed to draw up laws :or enfereiug these olUvets, whirl' are to be publkhed as stunt as they have ree.-ived the Sultan's sane:ion. 1839, ,,inrcn,nf c Alirnnnmnim is despatched to the Mo/.."ir of Koniah and all heads of ili,trich4 ittiavr mmmi. containitig eceount of' the proinul- gilt of the Haiti Sherif of (1111-1:11.01,,. intimatin:- that laws for r,,Telilating taxation and the lee) itle• of sa:diets sill 0,11 be p111:- 11,11,1: enjoiiiing respect for the lives. honour, and prolicrty of ail sill...leek; nod old:lining that no one shall he put to death multi! the acceNat ion and reef ltrve been transmitted to Con,tautitiolde and sentence pronounced by the Sultan. miont the finnan is addressed :tre oi•dered to convoke the inhabitants 0. their respec-

tive districts, and read it alond to them. They :Inv Inn take care that no one falls iiito the inistalie that. the ilatti Sherif gives complete ewmption from t a Nat ion.

1839, December. .1 commission under the presidency of I laji is, and under the serveillance 01 Reseltid Pasha, meets every '1'1111r-day :111d Sun- day io Constantinople, to propose the laws Mr regulating Ivon1Mn and recruiting. promised by the Rat ti Sherif. 1839,..Deernitier ISM. Iliad Sherif reaches Alexandria. 3Ieltemet All causes it to be promulgated with great pomp. Colonel Hodges ur-

SIT:tes.—“ I

p-mdent of the . agitated by the %:,xiety is inereawri Consal

had with Lint

i-Cfimm mm-u- 1840, .3furf•/: :i0fh. A • Midges. on oe., he inn,

statitin tic

18,10, : 18/0, ...-1/4•:/ frold_ the innj mites ; but ..'sleliesnet Ali.


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' by an

• -c to pay its Buie- ,: :"...,1.....erat.de, and to of discontent mm:iingto about alissioner or two Greeks I1..1isport Al- the British. ,..parrs are seized .• of Corfu. determi- ' • •, by pre- ty from et 5." I i,,:,)11e1 that to ton- :. Colonel , day, tonstan- , "o parties: dis-

: 1.111 arl.

• i.e1 Save- 01 the rives the same day, to replace Colonel Campbell as Consul-General.

1839, December 21st. The first grand Council held at Constantinople for the purpose of ilisensFing the new laws. The members are given to ttnderstand that the Cole Napoli:on is to form the bitsis of the new legislation, and the manner in which the discussiou is to be con- cluded is to he explained to them. 1810, January 3d. 'file ()unman I)ivan r s- mice that fli,: practice or farming the imposts shall be abolish,,i,i,....11hat the taN: are to me collected in future by salaried coil., S ttix.....; 111,1112 ls en farmed out fur the. year Lel'ore 1111, T b i.r.,ains are

broken. Coninusiamers are . t.: see a cell -us of all

the provinces an,l dhstriets f • a.m.: r.12 time, to making a " minute inqac-t c•.ery indivi- dual." The sarly's threatened With ysinn isv tilli : ' he advances to the farmers ul the reveimv, of repa,..ing them in small ,utos as they fa.r. ,1,1 the taxi's. 1840, January S//n. S :id l'in4la is api,i,Iined Cfapitan Pm Iii in room of A chmer. long-delayed appointment is understood to intimate the close of negotiations between I he l'orte ana :..lebemet Ali, whe

resumes his Sims r:.1,:e preparations as ,m,11 is he beal'S Uf

1840, Jamnmiic,m 9/71. Y.ven rssmlrcs to rendcr the Itara:ij c•pitation-tas

(paid by the non-:`,Itissti)anin (.I tie• le-s oppressive.. At a subsupt....smt muting, the col,. etor, I■ouinelia„ (1.1tropean I ur..e■): to be (inu slur, a in::11 must be able to rca,1 and write his o••••:: Three s of collec- tors are apuoi) •-•0 • to the ;:i -t is ai:ette I a s,C.ary frer Of

111:17,4 I t..4, I. UK. Et 111111 Is the tlrd 5,00G

piastres. It lbal the judi.:ks zhrott,;huut the empire

shall in fatty., be paid hy salaries. 1840, .ionuory 1 A. ‘. 1 mini is held in tl.e arsenal at ConstantiooVe for the purpose nI ..; .•-overing twee means in' rai..ing money to defray

the c•Xpl.12F,'S :.t can be brought it.to operatioe.

18.10, Jan., (I; o.“1‘, it. • n•••: 1,,• (Ise h•iit• ncl Hedge,...) to a row 1840, Februarg. iii.1

announcement 7:

ti411:arieS in '1'r, y form a paper 1840, )i"frek. 'f with the prori.i 1840, ..11areli.

;1,0o0I. p,•r .1 .1 1S-10, 31arcli 7th. 1.;

the inmmhmmiu I -

veFsei 1 . y ,•,.. rcern: s to Al.:, ve• --el, the .‘lhtti.:atis smi ,leiaitied I y Sir lloss of thi, a proof mmii.• to :.. tite '1'he co.le '

of the

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I s.io, th, 11, in each .tInny Mini- - I mS.i. or tax- i■ i" :7 neral •• m I -chid

: slier :!..• in- 1,-fe in- .... the • , has of .ns he his

1810, .11 v. cm nlmitg



IS-10, .7m:, St/i. 1,‘.

of lit Seras'.; '

7. a :nart

mm ii' eschid dan .rIster. and hi twit' r. C..anges ef .7 nors of the empire, um,. of the ex-Vizi r lihosretr.

1840, ./Ifly 6t14-12111. Sand Bey has an and f the Sultan, and several

'Io:not .1tli of

! o oil:LT of

military : 31: creattlreli

confidential interviews with Reshid Pasha and other Ministers. Reinforcements of troops, however, are from time to time des- patched to Asia Minor.

1840, July 8th. The ex-Vizier Khosreff exiled : it is asserted for participation in a plot against the Governmeht. 1890, July 151h. The Convention between England, Austria, Russia, and Prussia, for settling the affairs of Turkey and Egypt, signed at London.