28 NOVEMBER 1846, Page 19


On the 28th September, at Ferozepore, the Lady of Brevet Captain S. T. Macmullen.

Adjutant 6th Light Cavalry, of a daughter.

On the 19th November, at Kilmore, near Monaghan, the Lady of Captain Herbert

SChemberg, R.N., of a son.

On the 19th, the Lady of W. H. March, Esq., Newtown House, Monte, of a son and


On the 20th, in Gloucester Place, Portman Square, the Lady of Captain Corry, R.N., Of a daughter. On the 20th, in 'Upper Grosvenor Street, the Right Hon. Lady Ellbank, of a son.

On the 21st, in Sussex Square, the Lady of Captain hfoorsom, of aeon.

On the 22d, in Stanhope Street, the Viscountess Jocelyn, of a eon and heir.

On the 23d, at the Dowager Lady Arundell's, the Hon. Mrs. Neave, of a daughter.

On the 24th, at Wennington Hall, Lancashire, the Lady of W. A. F. Saunders, Esq., of a daughter. On the 24th, in Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, the Lady of Captain manner% R. N., of a daughter. On the 26th, in Duke Street, Portland Place, the Wife of G. A. Maethrren, Esq., eta SOD.


On the 17th September, at Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Hon. Wm. Kennedy, of the Royal Artillery, son of Archibald, late Earl of Cassillis, to Sarah Jane, eldest daughter of the late William M. De Blois.

On the 21st November, at the Sardinian Embassy Chapel, Miles Gerald Keen, Esq., only son of the late Miles Keen, Esq., and the Countess htagawly, of Keen Brooke, Leitrim, to Ann dots Pierre, second daughter of Major Hawkes, late of her Majesty's Twenty-first Light Dragoons.

On the 24th, at Christ Church, Albany Street, the Rev. William Whitehead, Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford, and Curate of Camberwell, to Harriet, youngest daugh- ter of the late Rev. Richard Losham, Rector of Halsall, Lancashire, and Incumbent Of St. John's, Liverpool.

On the 24th, at Muff, county of Londonderry, John Scaffe, Esq., to Emily Sarah Frances, eldest daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Wilkinson and Lady Hesilrigge. On the 26th, at Welwyn, Bents, the Hon. and Rev. Richard Godolphin Henry past- Ingo, youngest son of the Into and brother of the present Earl of Huntingdon, to Agnes, the sixth daughter of Henry Fynes Clinton, Esq., of Welwyn.


On the 1311; November, in the village of Leitrim, Bridget Film; in her 104th year. On the 14th, at Knackersknowle, Abraham Bristowe, Esq., the discoverer of the Islands which bear his name in the Southern Pacific ; In his 75th year. On the 16th, Mrs. Ellzabeth Jones, of New Street, Spring Gardens, Relict of the late Captain John Jones, of the Royal Artillery ; in her 97th year.

On the 18th, at Rugby, Charles Donald, second son of the Hon. Charles Napier; in his 16th year. On the 18th, at Cathcart House, near Glasgow, the Lady Augusta Sophia Cathcart. On the 20th, at Saltwood, near Hythe. Kent, the Wife of Captain C. Macdonald, R.N.

On the 21st, at Hope House, Little Burstead, Essex, Peter Skipper, Req.; in his 84th year.

On the 21st, Charles Yates, second son of W. T. Copeland, Esq., M.P. ; in his 17th year. On the 27th, in Seymour Street, the Canon Riego, brother of the ill-fisted General Riego.