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Tat' Queen, Prince Albert, end the children are still at Osborne House. Oti Satiirday, the birthday. of the Princess R;yal, Sir Hercules Pakenham and Sip Charles. Ogle died with the Royal, circle. The authoritieta of Arundel are mnking „prepatlitions for doing honour to tlee occasion,of her Majesty's approaeting,visiLto the Duke of Norfolk.
The Dutchess of Cambyidge, the Grand Dutchess of Mecklenburg &max, and Prince Frederick of Hesse, visited the Adelphi Theatre on Wednesday evening.
Yesterday, it being the birthday of the Princess Mary of Cambridge, the Dutchess of Gloucester gave a grand dinner and ball in honour of her niece who is also her goddaughter.
The niece, Caroline of Hesse took leave of the Queen Dowager and the Dutchess of Gloucester on Sunday; and on Monday morning; left town by the South-eastern Railway for Dover, on her return to the Con- tinent.