The only circumstance worth notice has been the settlement of the Consol Account, which took place yesterday. The speculatorsfor the fall were disap-
inted in their expectations that the aspect of affairs would induce the holders of
k to sell, and that a quantity would thus be thrown upon the market: Stock was scarce, and the difference between the present and the January Ac- count only about 3-16th per cent The holder of Consols, by selling for Money and repurchaabg for the January Account, might thus have borrowed upon them at the rate of about 1 per cent per annum. The English Stocks generally have advanced about 1 per cent upon our last quotations. The rate of discount con- tinues unchanged, and the fear of an export of bullion seems diminishing. Money is abundant in the Stock Exchange; and as long as the demand for Consols con- tinues, it mast be so. There is a trifling demand for it by way of loan under the security of Foreign Stocks and Shares' in some instances at high rates. We should remark, that demand for English Stock is entirely confined to Consols; 'every other variety being abundant.
In the Foreign Market, the business has been of the usually unimportant character. The intelligence from Lisbon being upon the whole favourable to the Royal cause, Portuguese Bonds are rather firmer than last week; the price of the Tour per Cents being 37 to 38. Spanish Stock is also at a slight advance; the Three per Cents, the dividend upon which will become due in January next, 'being scarce and in demand. The prices of all descriptions of Shares have been considerably below our last quotation. The most remarkable decline is in the more important lines; and the tendency to investment in the guaranteed Shares, rather than in the original lines, is still observable. A decided change for the better is apparent in the market to- day; and almost every variety of Share is in demand at better prices. • The Foreign Shares, both Belgian and French, have all been much depressed; and though rather better today, the improvement has not been of importance. A r.onsiderable revival of business in this department has occurred; many varieties which had fallen into abeyance if not cblivion have been inquired after, and transactions are recorded in them after a long interval of torpor.
The English Funds are not quite so firm this morning; but no transaction of importance has occurred to alter the complexion of the market. The Foreign Funds are unchanged. The business in Railway Shares has as yet been confined to the bargains enumerated below; the attention of the dealers and brokers being diverted to the arrangement consequent upon the approaching settling day: 'Birmingham and Oxford Junction, Si; London and South-western, Tenths, 5; Manchester and Birmingham, 72#; Ditto, Quarter-shares, A, Ili; Birmingham and Derby, New 401. Shares, 31i; Newcastle and Berwick, 33#; North British, 28; North Staffordshire, 3# prem.; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 4k; York and North Midland, Preference, 7. SA7171DAY, Two o'Cr.ocx.
- The English Funds are firmer; closing A per cent higher than our morning's quotations. The only changein the Foreign Market is an advance of trifling mo- ment in both varieties of Spanish Stock. The transactions in Railway Shares have been of a general character, without producing any material change in prices. The following are the principal bargains. Aberdeen, 18/; Bristol and Exeter, New, 8i; Caledonian, Half-shares, 2#; Chester and Holyhead, 251; Eastern Counties' 23A 2; Ditto, New, 71; Ditto, York Extension, 3# i; Great Western, Half-shares, 76; Lancaster and Carlisle, 69; London and North-western, 194 193; Ditto, Quarters, 23; London and Brighton 59 13i i; Midland, 123 4; Ditto, New, 311 31; Scottish Midland, 131; South-eastern and Dover, 37 6i; York and North 3fidland, 911; Ditto, Half-shares, 451; York and Selby, 751; Boulogne and
Amiens, 13# 1; Dutch-Intents' la, ; heat Indian, 1; Luxembourg, Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 44; Paris and Rouen, 341.
Spar Cent Consols 251 Ditto for Account 951 1 3 per Cent Bed:iced 931 1 3* per Cents •...
Long Annuities 91 15-16 Bank Stock 2051 61 Exchequer Bills prem. 7 11 India Stock 256 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 84 6
Belgian 41 per Cents
941 5 ChIllan 6 per Cents 95 7 Columbian ex Venezuela ... 15 16 Danish Spar Cents 86 8
Dutch n per Cents
89 1 Ditto 4 per Cents.
91192 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846. • •
211 2 New Grenada 19 21
Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841
36 8 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 37 9 ' Russian 5 per Cents. 110 112
Spanish (Active) 5 per Centa
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
37* 1: Venezuela
49 1