The open traffic in fire-arms is rapidly spreading in the
Smith of Ire- land. According to the Limerick Chronicle, the sale of fire-arms in Lime- rick has never been so-great; the purchasers being almost exclusively pea- sants The Tipperary Free Press says-
" There is more business doing in the trade in guns, pistols, blanderbusses, powder and shot, than in any other in this town. The gunsmiths are kept going day and night repairing arms; and the vendors of arms find it difficult to supply the demand of their customers. Day and night reports of gun-shots are heard -throughout the country—in some localities collies are discharged, to the great terror of the peaceable inhabitants."
Considerable attention has been drawn to the sale of the Blessington estates, which has been going on under the Court of Chancery. The lots sold have obtained prices varying from twenty-five to twenty-seven years' purchase.