doubt his "power to regenerate the Liberal party." Oar object is not to " regenerate " any party, but simply and solely to force the Government into more vigorous efforts to save the Armenian people. Hitherto I have heartily supported the "non-party agitation ; " but to judge from Lord Salisbury's Mansion House speech, its only effect has been to encourage the belief that the whole country is prepared to set reputed "British interests" before every moral obligation to save from destruction a people whose ruin is the direct result of British policy and British action. For a year and more, since the full horror of the Armenian atrocities was known in this country, we have kept silence, hoping against hope, and day by day deluded by fresh announcements of imaginary reform schemes. What has been secured ? Nothing—absolutely nothing, and that in spite of the unique opportunity afforded Lord Salisbury by the unprecedented outburst of national wrath over the Ccnitantinople massacre, now three months ago. How much longer, Sir, would you have us wait? The Sultan is even now arming every ruffian in the Empire for the final scene, and doubtless there will soon be no need for further agitation, for there will be no Armenians left to suffer.
No; our ungrudging support of the Government has not secured the execution of one single practical reform. We are, therefore, driven to use our last weapon, to try and bring home to the people of England the fact that it was Lord. Salisbury and his party who, by tearing up the Treaty of San Stefano, deprived the Armenians of the reforms which Russia had therein secured and guaranteed. Once this is realised,. we believe that the fear of the national indignation resulting- in another "1880" will very soon enable the Government to find some means of atoning for their former policy by the rescue of the Armenians from the monstrous tyranny under which we have placed them.—I am, Sir, &o, H. J. Tons. The Woodlands, near Bridgnorth, 'Shropshire.
[We doubt the need of any further appeal to the nation which is absolutely unanimous. What is feared is no Turkey, but the European Powers who support Turkey and hold our own Government back.—En. Spectator.]