Little Miss Curlylocks. By Audrey Curtis. (National Society.) —Alice Foggerty,
who "mothers" the family of her father, the quarryman. and Digby Thomasina Montmorency, granddaughter of a. Mrs. Montmorency at the Hall, are the heroines of this story, which has in it much that is both amusing and touching.
Of course everything comes right in the end. Poetical justice, banished from the rest of the world of fiction, still lingers in the gift-book tale.—A Friendly Girl. By Catherine P. Slater.
(Same publisher.)-1 very entertaining story indeed. Jeanie, with her simple directness of thought and speech, is a quite delightful person. We suspend our judgment as to the probability of the scene with the burglars, but probability does not count for much in stories of this kind. No one will like A Friendly Girl one whit the less—and it will be liked very much— for any con- sideration of this kind.