Rather late in the day—for it was reviewed in the
literary columns of The Spectator some weeks ago—I have been reading Jennie Lee's sixpenny pamphlet on Russia, and have found it quite remarkably good. Miss Lee (who is also Mrs. Aneurin Bevan) has, despite her obvious sympathies, maintained an objectivity and impartiality which are wholly admirable. She describes aspects of Russia as she saw. them, in an unadorned, but (or therefore) singularly effective, style, with just the minimum of explanations or reminders necessary to prevent false impressions from being formed, or false conclusions drawn. ' Anyone equipped with this and with Sir Bernard Pares' Penguin on Russia, which presents an incredible amount of reliable informa- tion for sixpence, will, at a total cost of Is., put himself in posses-
sion of pretty nearly all it is essential to know about our ally. * * * *