28 NOVEMBER 1947, Page 16

unworkable. With such divergent aims and beliefs among the ruling

Powers it is hardly surprising that Germany is miserable, distracted and without hope.

The most interesting question discussed in the second part of the book is denazification. Fortunately Dr. Friedmann includes in the appendix the Control Council Directive No. 24 on denazification, and also the Fragebogen or questionnaire which all suspects must fill up. These documents are not easily got hold of in this country, but no one can begin to understand the scope of the problem or know what is being done in his name unless he has read them. Unfortunately Dr. Friedmann does not include Zonal Executive Instruction No. 3, which is even more illuminating.

It is probable that at least one member of every family has had to fill up a Fragebogen. Many people have filled it up six times.

Anyone holding any job from foreman upwards or applying for such a job or even trying to buy a lorry must fill one up. The questions include items such as : " List all publications from 1923 and all speeches and lectures not strictly non-political," " Give the source and amount of your income from 1933," "To what political party did you belong before 1933 ? " Directive No. 24 deals not only with Nazis, but with "the removal from positions of control or influence of persons likely to perpetuate an undemocratic tradition." These include all regular officers and members of aristocratic Prussian, Silesian and Mecklenburg families: Zonal Executive Instruction No. 3 lays down that denazification panels who judge and pronounce sentence should consist of known anti-Nazis—which in effect means those who have suffered under Nazi tyranny. The process therefore involves witch-hunting, racial and social discrimination and " People's Court" justice. Some of us thought we were fighting the war to uphold the rule of law ! In his final balance-sheet Dr. Friedmann is rightly most depress- ing about the state of mind and the morals of the German people. He is not very helpful about the remedies. He says : " The imposi- tion of reparations and other material burdens upon Germany must be coupled with giving to Germany a burning sense of responsi- bility and of the obligation to work for European recovery." True —but how is it to be done ? Is it more than a face-saving formula ? I doubt it. Dr. Friedmann's last sentence I do agree with. It is this : " One thing alone is certain: that a continuation of the present situa- ation of Germany must lead to catastrophe." The London Confer- ence is being held at one minute to twelve.