The North-western Railway Company has published an elaborate state- ment
of its "position and prospects," with the object of allaying distrust. The Company definitively proposes to abandon, till the shareholders give a new authority, the construction of fifteen lines for which Parlia- mentary powers have been obtained: thus they reduce by 3,876,963/. their proposed expenditure. The total expenditure, by the year 1852, they es- timate at 25,862,012/. To pay seven per cent on this sum, a revenue at the rate of 2,528,167/. per annum, or 48,618/. weekly, will be needed. The gross revenue of the year ending 30th June was 2,194,0931., or 42,194/. a week. The practical question therefore is, whether the revenue of the main line and the new lines to be opened by 1852 will swell the present income by 6,424/. per week; a point on which the Directors do not seem to think an assurance necessary.