AN ORIGINAL MURAL by Jill Peto will add style to
your home. Write for details to 3 Rhodesia Rd.. Brixton, London, S.W.9.
MARLBOROUGH, 39 Old Bond Street, Open- ing of New Premises-2 Exhibitions: VAN GOGH Self Portraits; FRENCH MASTERS of the 19th Century. 5 Oct.-3 Nov. Daily 11-5. Bats. 10.30-12.30. Adm. 3'S. Students 1/-. In aid of Central British Fund for Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation and W.I.Z.D. Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Israel. NEW LONDON GALLERY. 17/18 Old Bond St., W.I (subsidiary Marlborough Fine Art Ltd.). Opening Exhibition: Georges MATHIEU. paintings and watercolours. Admission free. Daily 10-5; Bats. 10-12. 28th Oct.-26th Nov.
UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: A course of two lectures entitled "Johnson and Boswell as Biographers" will be delivered by Professor J. Butt (Edinburgh), at 5.30 p.m. on 7 and November at the University of London, Senate House, W.C.l. ADMISSION FREE, WITHOUT TICKET. James Henderson, Academic Registrar.
UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: A course of two lectures entitled "The Military Balance Sheet of World War II" will be delivered by Captain B. H. Liddell Hart at 5.30 p.m. on 8 and 10 November at King's College, Strand, W.0 2. ADMISSION FREE, WITH- OUT TICKET. James Henderson. Academic Registrar.
UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: The Stamp Memorial Lecture, entitled "Now Prospects in Economic Analysis." will be delivered by Professor M. G. Kendall at 5.30 p.m. on 8 November at the University of London. Senate House. W.0.1. ADMISSION FREE. WITHOUT TICKET. James Henderson. Academic Registrar.
WHITECHAPEL ART GALLERY: Prunella Clough: a retrospective exhibition of paint- ings and drawings, 1490-1900. Last three days. Today and Saturday 11-9; Sunday 2-6. Admission free. Adjoins Aldgate East Station.
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WESTONBIRT SCHOOL, TETBURY, GLOS. An examination for ENTRANCE SCHOLAR- SHIPS, including a Music and Art Scholar- ship, for girls under 14 on 1st Sept.. 1961. will be held on Feb. 22nd and 23rd, 1961. For Entrance forms, which must be re- turned by 23rd January. 1951, apply Head- mistress's Secretary.
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