28 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 1


NOTWITHSTANDING the defeat of the Miguelite attack upon Lisbon on the 5th instant, the Queen's cause is still in a very critical state. There have been no accounts received of any subsequent fighting; but it appears that an'attempt bad been made to set on foot a ne- gotiation between the hostile parties. Colonel HARE, a British officer, was despatched by Lord 'WILLIAM RUSSELL with a message to Marshal BOURMONT, and had a conference with him, the subject of which is supposed to have been the means of putting an end to the'contest. The more sanguine Pcdroites immediately gave out that BOURMONT had offered to capitulate; and that his main object was to obtain good terms for MIGUEL personally, by threat- ening to render Portugal another La Vendee, by means of the troops whom he would still be enabled to keep together. Such was the Pedroite version of the incipient negotiation. There is, however, mach better reason to believe, and to fear, that finding himself in imminent danger of being driven out of Lisbon on the next as- sault, PE,Dao employed the intercession of the British Minister to procure a postponement at all events of the attack. It may perhaps be no evil augury for the future good government of Portugal, that.PED11.0 is not so triumphant as was supposed. He will be the more easily dealt with, when he is in difficulties ; and his removal as well as that of his brother may be brought about by till interference of England and France.

-It is asserted by the Miguelite party, that BOURNIONT absolutely- refused to give any assurance that he would de- fer his next attack upon the capital fbr an hour after he was prepared to make it. If this be true, we may expect to hear news of consequence by the next Lisbon arrival. The Courier has gloomy anticipations as to the fate of Lisbon.; and wishes "to guard its readers against the sudden shock which would be in- flicted on the Queen's friends here; if the surrender of Lisbon, un- happily, should be necessitated by the difficulties under which a large population pent up • in a besieged -town must unavoidably labour.' The difficulties alluded to, we presume, are those of pro- curing the-means of-subsistence; but, with the sea open to them, we are not aware that these can be very great.