28 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 15

:;t:!IENTIFIC HON( ir118:


Stn—Concurring with you entirely in the view taken in the ..Cpectaie:r of lith August, of the propriety of rewarding " British science by British. honours," I am induced to send you an extract from a foreign seientitic journal of much celebrity, which strongly confirms those opinions. I have understood that similar sentiments have appeareil in several German periodical works. " Correspundanee el -•lrrrruners &hat ifiy nes. —Al AI J. Herschel, Ch. Bell, J. Leslie, Ivory, Brewster, south, et Harris Nicolas, vieunent t'i'tre nonnuos Chevaliers de l'Oldre des Gault's. On a en meow temps donut on pension A M. Ivory. Ces distineti.ay aveord.'e, A dr,: savan,"d'utw haute merite, preuvent que he Gonvernoment Anghi, rent s'ocinlior iI'i r hw sciences gas ere Ice On (lit (pill no stilt pds cloignt the crier un ordre de merit pour recompenser les savans, les girls iIt 1,.ttre, it lit ;Mist-es. II est etonnant, ea effet, que lc Doi !ringlet-erre Sc trouve obli.2;.'• de demander au ltoi de Ilanuovrc des n'colopenses pour sos volutes :■!Iii•ts, pays si riche en homilies de ((write dans Foulre civil, ICA des marques di,uncticvs que pour les militailvs."— Corresponekrucc Math. et Physigac de Bru.rclIcs, par M. (Weida, l$32. vii. tow. p. 1:19.

'rite plan of enlarging the Order of the Bath, in accordance with the known wishes of the King, is much simpler and more dignified than that of a separate • order. But the Whigs refuse to second the liberal views of their master.