Are. litany Hubert, a solicitor, residing at No. 5, Clement's
Inn, ea_ lcheek belOre Jr. Chambers, at Marlborough Street, at hdrged with stealing sonic hock-glasses and other articit s from
de l'Europe, 11;tymarket. Inspector Abrahams deposed,
• accused was given into the custody of a Police constable on mise eeeninge charged with refusing to pay for some wine which he as the coffee-house. Finding he luta money in hip pocket, he was about disehaleine him ; Avhun the waiter said he thought he had seen glut-;vs in his pocket. He then searched hint, and found
• fun•k-glasses, a hell, a eta:umber, a sill-er mustard-pot, a bowl of Indian pipe, and other things. He then detained him, and gave in-
.ne :manta to his family on the subject. Dr. Hubert said, his brother imelatalled on him in the morning, but his manner had excited nothing 93,1.'4ml:tr. Ile remained in the house only a few minutes; and on 1 discovered that his brother had taken away the mustard-pot. aatau: at be had heard since, lie had no doubt of his brother being dereuteed. The waiter said he acted like an insane person. Mr. elatathers put several queations to the accused; but for a time he I-e- l:wheel silent ; at length he said, he knew nothing about the articles.
The sereant of Hubert here pressed forward, and said that during sin: last three weeks she had noticed great alteration in the lielats of am-ter, and she was afraid he was tn15.We. Mr. Chambers coincided e opinion ; on which tine various articles were returned to the :cid Mr. Hubert was delivered over to his friends.