28 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 17



The MAI! of the thuversall Kirk of Scotland; wherein the Maths and Corwin- skulls dtwysit be the Ministers and Commissionaris of the particular Kirks thereof are specially expressed and contained. Edited by Alexander Peterkin, Esq., late Sherd-Substitute for Orkney Smith, Eider, and Cu.; Blackwuud, Edinburgh. Nunes,

Lord Brougham's Speeches on the Administration of Justice in Ireland. With a

Preface Ridgway. A Letter on National Education, to the Duke of Bedford. E.G., from Lord Brougham Lbnamon and Cu. ; Black, Edinburgh. FICTION. The Duke ; a Novel. By Mrs. Grey. lii 3 VO'S Bentley. ili,scet.T.ANCOUS, Essays Critical and Miscellaneous, with Extracts from a Tourist's Touttud. By the Author of " Essays on Subjects of General lidereit."... Saunders and (Mei