the City of London, as given by the Conservative The
result of the revision of the lists of ParellaAnisseon_e_t2iall:rt3:°11N3.11t0ers for " Conservative objections Disallowed Withdrawn Objections allowed 78 Conservative claims 153 Allowed 49 Disallowed 104 Radical claims Allowed Disallowed 1 31
65 Doubtful claims 8 Allowed 5 Disallowed 3 "Time majority of time claims disallowed this year will, as a matter of course, be pttt on the registry for 1840. The reason why they were now disallowed is, in consequence of their being made at a very recent period, ahd not rated to all rates made during the year according to the Reform Act."
The Liberal claims 'were made by individuals ; the Reform Club having taken no part whatever in the revision of this year.
In the Tower Hamlets, 170 objections made by the Conservatives were sustained; 66 disallowed, and 443 withdrawn.
The contested election of a minister for Clerkenwell parish ter- minated on Monday, in favour of Mr. Faulkener. The final numbers were—Faulkener, 9,231 ; Dillon, 1,842.