The Orontes, Short, was lost on the 18111 December last, on the toast of New Hol- land, on her way to India, crew saved.
Arrived—At Gravesend, Sept. 24th, Candidate, Goodwin, from the Cape; 25th, Pe- toineo Bomanjee, Hifi, from Singapore; 25th, Susannah, Ridley, from New South Wales; Marmiou, M' Clelland ; 27th, .Notthumberland, Compton, from Bengal; and Invernay, Grundy, front Bombay. Al, Deal, 24t1, Janet lest, Scotland, from New Sonth Wale.; and Triuctdo, Rea, from Singapore. At Liverpool, 22d, Perseverance, Corkhill, from New South Wales: 24th, Ablao,:ford, Broadfoot, from Bombay; and Flowers of Ugio, Annand, from Bengal ; 25th, Malay. Galbraith ; and Sahel:1,14mm. from Ditto. In the Clyde, 20th. Cassandra, Greig, from Bombay. At St. Helena, Aug. 8th, Iris, Fisher. from Mauritius. At the Cape, Zoe, Holmes, from Liverpool; Agenoria, Hunt; and Jane Cumming, —, from London. At Bombay. July 6th, I. Denniston, Barker, from London; 5th, Commerce, Adiel; and 14th, Demerara Packet, —, from Liverpool ; and Kilkenny, Fox, front Cork ; and 18th, Gleuelg, Shunter, from London. At Madras, June L5ilt, Emma, Mann ; July 5th, Thames, Marquis ; and 15th, Larkins, Walton, from London. At Bengal, July 4th, Hinda, Lowthian; Volunteer, M' Mann ; and 14th, Santon, Hu:viable, from Liverpool; and Courier, Smith, from London. At China, Copland, —; Marmion, Jellard ; Rucks, Paid ; and Brothers. Murdoch, front Liverpool. At Van Diemen's Land, Mary Ann, 31arsh all, from London.
Sailed-From Gravesend, Sept. 211, Lady Flora, Ford, for Madras. From Liver- pool, 21st, Reliance, hull; and Rothschild, Luekeit„ for Bombay.
The New Zealand Land Company's ship Oriental was off Dailmouth on. Thursday the 26th. The weather had been rough, and wind contrary-, since she left the Downs on Sunday ; but the Emigrants are reported "well and happy,"